Recent comments in /f/photoshopbattles

Top-Requirement4460 t1_jee3rwm wrote

These guys are great workers and have much more energy than most dogs as well as intelligence so not only do they need LOTS of exercise and play as well as mental stimulation or they can become very destructive to your home and even themselves.

Training and exercise are a requirement, not a suggestion.

They need structure for this required daily energy outlet and when they are well provided for they are capable of some of the most impressive things that dogs are capable of.

But way more often I see these types of dogs given away, sent to shelters or chained outside within the first couple years because most ppl are not at all prepared for what an energetic dog requires. So I'm just here balancing things out a bit.

I was a kid when the "101 Dalmatians" phenomenon happened. The breeds gene pool as well as millions of dogs have suffered for it