Recent comments in /f/photoshopbattles
ObtusePieceOfFlotsam t1_jeg86nj wrote
Reply to comment by Kuma-San in PsBattle: Philippines former Vice President in Japan by CowGoesM00
Yeah, we're under attack from the French
[deleted] t1_jeg72ea wrote
heyuhitsyaboi t1_jeg6uj6 wrote
Reply to comment by PressQWER in PsBattle: Formula 1 driver, Charles Leclrec, wearing vision inverting glasses by newTARwhoDIS
canceled out?
okkomeijer t1_jeg0wu1 wrote
Reply to comment by Elelith in PsBattle: This cosplay deserves a better background! by Zestyclose_Profile44
No problem, glad you tagged me in it, now I could see the end result!
[deleted] t1_jeg056w wrote
Reply to comment by GENERAL-KAY in PsBattle: Philippines former Vice President in Japan by CowGoesM00
Elelith t1_jefzwck wrote
Reply to comment by okkomeijer in PsBattle: This cosplay deserves a better background! by Zestyclose_Profile44
Really great pic btw :D Sorry for stealing it for this random project for a random person.
wutamisposedtodo t1_jefxo2j wrote
[deleted] t1_jefxly5 wrote
okkomeijer t1_jefraa5 wrote
Reply to comment by Elelith in PsBattle: This cosplay deserves a better background! by Zestyclose_Profile44
Really lovely!
Elelith t1_jefpban wrote
I ruthlessly stole the tube picture from u/okkomeijer
Comeau_Sushi t1_jefoqqj wrote
[deleted] t1_jefom00 wrote
[deleted] t1_jefobrt wrote
[deleted] t1_jefnyha wrote
AzraelTheMage t1_jefn4f8 wrote
Reply to comment by crustynugget69 in PsBattle: This cosplay deserves a better background! by Zestyclose_Profile44
So you wanna beat Spider-Man.
[deleted] t1_jefmotm wrote
Reply to PsBattle: Baby in Car Seat by talkpurdytome
[deleted] t1_jefkj38 wrote
Kilika2 t1_jefhtkd wrote
adbonifacio t1_jefg4k3 wrote
BuryTheMoney t1_jeffdps wrote
Reply to comment by mark-haus in PsBattle: Black-capped Chickadee by My_Bird_Buddy
Bird is the word
[deleted] t1_jeff785 wrote
[deleted] t1_jeff5yc wrote
Reply to comment by KirkPicard in PsBattle: hockey goalie stretching by andobodando
crustynugget69 t1_jefegjw wrote
Peter-Tao t1_jefdmu8 wrote
Reply to comment by 420_Traveller in PsBattle: This cosplay deserves a better background! by Zestyclose_Profile44
Dang! Best one yet!
Beneficial_Present t1_jegcntl wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: This cosplay deserves a better background! by Zestyclose_Profile44
Here’s the guy himself, u/Lawton104 I think you should see this