Submitted by ForeverStrangeMoe t3_11dh2i4 in pics
Eig8t86 t1_ja8jg4t wrote
She loves your banana
DragNutts t1_ja8jjtk wrote
Work in bentonite?
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8jkef wrote
Wait guys I’m also a girl I don’t have a banana 😭
Ninjalikestoast t1_ja8jkkr wrote
You got a drink tucked in your muck boot there mate?
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8joja wrote
It’s my tool haha
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8js6z wrote
But I’m a woman 😭
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8jw8x wrote
Is that clay? I do dewatering
[deleted] t1_ja8jw8z wrote
No-Net-1404 t1_ja8k36u wrote
She probably has an air tag on you too.
zoobernut t1_ja8k6mi wrote
Plot twist she was talking to the banana.
Zgerv t1_ja8kemr wrote
Bro... that's her banana if you got me
DarrenEdwards t1_ja8knr0 wrote
So peal it and eat that banana she loves in front of her slowly now that you know her secret.
paixism t1_ja8l1s3 wrote
poohbearandtiger t1_ja8lnbs wrote
in your banana?
scanman20 t1_ja8lvsp wrote
I Love yon
moremudmoney t1_ja8mhsi wrote
It's a type of clay yes
Admirable_Oil_382 t1_ja8mkvp wrote
Watch out she’s trying to kill ya Ink poisoning
bendover912 t1_ja8mmll wrote
Who Tf is Yon?
SpiffAZ t1_ja8mocr wrote
There's a million b****** in this world, but not all of them will write i love you into your banana.
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8mrr3 wrote
She’s one of a kind haha
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8mvt2 wrote
Wait a damn second 🤨 time to find this Yon guy and stab a mf
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8mz40 wrote
She carved it last night so the peel would brown 🥹
Mentalfloss1 t1_ja8nqjl wrote
Could have been Bob, your co-worker.
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8o8fd wrote
We come across a lot of clay but I’m not sure the exact kind
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8oc4t wrote
-_- here I was thinking she loved me this whole time. Time to find Yon.
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8odi7 wrote
Uhhh I’m dumb I’m sorry okay
[deleted] t1_ja8ons7 wrote
ambigramsarecool t1_ja8p3j4 wrote
Aww sweet. Also, is that a boot knife?
Leather-College2557 t1_ja8q46y wrote
Did that hurt the banana
Ikeeki t1_ja8qanz wrote
I think that message was for the banana
poohbearandtiger t1_ja8qir3 wrote
don’t turn it around on me, and dumb is not an explanation! Who do you work for?! ;)
acqz t1_ja8rrnc wrote
Welp, time for a new gf. This one's into bananas!
whorfin t1_ja8rwu0 wrote
Be careful around a woman who wants to carve things in your banana.
majinbuudimthelights t1_ja8s3gt wrote
what is in your boot
Duchock t1_ja8tgzk wrote
Has tool ✍️
Does not have banana ✍️
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8tl0c wrote
A tool haha it’s like a screwdriver with a 5/16 socket on the end
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8to2e wrote
Good thing I’m also a woman 😭 y’all got me scared
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8tz7x wrote
I meant on I’m sorry 😭 I better not be doing anyone but her 😂😂 I do dewatering for work
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8u0gn wrote
My heart is broken
parks387 t1_ja8u4xq wrote
In cyanide
Odaecom t1_ja8udhk wrote
Schnaps for the cold mornings.
No_Equal_1312 t1_ja8umbl wrote
Better give that banana a sniff to where it’s been, she may just love that banana 😆
cfdeveloper t1_ja8unw3 wrote
it seems to have a sheen to it.
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8v3xg wrote
no bananas were harmed in the making of this love note
rosemoun t1_ja8vae6 wrote
Smell it 😋
monkeydoosky t1_ja8vszm wrote
Always the hands ;) this is hella cute
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8xdm1 wrote
It’s like a screwdriver with a 5/16 socket on the end, I’m not sure the professional name
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_ja8xk3l wrote
Appropriate-Mark-64 t1_ja8xq9z wrote
She wrote it to the banana. Better take a whiff
No_Link_1392 t1_ja8xyw3 wrote
Now you have to give her banana aswell !
[deleted] t1_ja8yba6 wrote
HanDavo t1_ja8ykmm wrote
OP, you can't make someone love you. So when you kill this Yon guy, make it look like an accident, then you can console you love and it might reignite her feeling for you.
Personally I'd off your former girlfriend so Yon has to live with not having her too!
[deleted] t1_ja8z1qo wrote
[deleted] t1_ja8z2d6 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja8zge8 wrote
Pattoe89 t1_ja903kb wrote
It would be professional to call it Mr / Mrs / Miss Screwdriver with a 5/16 socket on the end.
You gotta know your screwdriver's pronouns.
Holiday_Doctor_3418 t1_ja90uxi wrote
It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, 10 dollars?
just_some_dude828 t1_ja91ok3 wrote
I thought it was a can of WD-40 at first.
N3wpN3wp_Ryder t1_ja93x1f wrote
She wrote that on the banana, so she remembered it’s her playnana 😩😩😩😩
[deleted] t1_ja94o20 wrote
That must feel so good.
pmlane t1_ja94sum wrote
“Is that a banana in your boot or are you just happy to see me?”
Ikeeki t1_ja975gf wrote
Ha, I kid I kid =)
operator-john t1_ja98ub8 wrote
Nut driver
mymojoisbliss96 t1_ja997ov wrote
Sorry to rain on your parade but who the hell is Yon??
Outlog t1_ja9a1fi wrote
Sorry bruv. The produce guy wrote I love you in your girlfriend's banana.
the_Big_misc t1_ja9a27i wrote
At least you know exactly how big those letters are.
No_Eggplant6850 t1_ja9c9l1 wrote
I think she’s giving you a clue
draculamilktoast t1_ja9ctyh wrote
I hope she doesn't communicate a lot with people.
quesadilla79 t1_ja9ewfz wrote
lucky man showing off hus gold 💓
Citizen-Kang t1_ja9fdbb wrote
Is this really the best way for you to find out that she loves a banana and not you? I'm here if you need a shoulder, bro.
rockinvet02 t1_ja9hidg wrote
She was talking to the banana.
okram2k t1_ja9jxe6 wrote
it is a very lovely fruit
scapegoat_88 t1_ja9kdy2 wrote
Wash that
genericawaymessage t1_ja9kvj9 wrote
d0rf47 t1_ja9llw5 wrote
i heard she's bananas about you
Berlinexit t1_ja9p7le wrote
what do you work as?
mtsai t1_ja9piih wrote
you should find out who Yoy is.
andrewbrocklesby t1_ja9qufb wrote
She was talking to the banana dude :-)
1Drnk2Many t1_ja9rdbo wrote
that kinda freaks me out, I think it's a yellow flag
brokenbarrow t1_ja9swim wrote
That’s sweet.
neromoneon t1_ja9tn25 wrote
She loves Yon.
DaddingtonPalace t1_ja9vbi1 wrote
As long as she doesn't write it on *your* banana.
aghilardi t1_ja9vhea wrote
There are some nice satisfactory videos on dewatering clogged whatever. You have a cool job.
PromotionFull3886 t1_ja9x97w wrote
That’s cute. But what’s that nicely tucked inside your boot?
GR3TSCH t1_ja9xhwz wrote
How does the banama feel about the girl?
SirGlenn t1_jaa0kxy wrote
That's sweet, give her your banana when you get home.
ElleRisalo t1_jaa1r0j wrote
You should write it on "hers" and show her whe you get home!
toothfairy1975 t1_jaa3c1m wrote
Prince Harry is that you? Blink once for yes....🍌
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_jaa4aek wrote
Wash what
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_jaa4bhg wrote
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_jaa4ek3 wrote
Dewatering technician, I help remove and treat storm water from construction sites
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_jaa4lm7 wrote
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_jaa4rca wrote
A tool haha
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_jaa4ya3 wrote
If I had one I’m sure she would 😅
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_jaa5138 wrote
It’s messy but it’s fun, very satisfying for sure haha
ForeverStrangeMoe OP t1_jaa522m wrote
A tool haha
CarnivorousChicken t1_jaa8zxj wrote
She wrote it on the wrong banana 🍌 😉
North-Ad-5058 t1_jaaa76x wrote
Foreman or Jman you mean
Nonamesdb t1_jaac0hg wrote
What if she didn’t and instead the banana was communicating to you trying to stop you from eating it?
COSLEEP t1_jaafebj wrote
Was it full of cocaine?
aaron_in_sf t1_jaahe9s wrote
Yoy better check they self
Pudding_Hero t1_jaahsfx wrote
The fun type of crazy
sjblackwell t1_jaaitlh wrote
Sounds painful
ReaperSovereign t1_jaaixsk wrote
You are leaving a gap in your boot, that’s how you get snakes in there, Woody
wutdis77 t1_jaaobxc wrote
that actually says 'don't eat me' in Banana
Majesty1985 t1_jaaqv8e wrote
Me lobe yoy. Me love you long Tim
privateimac t1_jaar8de wrote
Thought it was something crazy like you had to peel it to reveal the message
somereallyfungi t1_jaavs0u wrote
You're so apeeling
[deleted] t1_jaaxb1x wrote
Final-Thanks-5966 t1_jab4auy wrote
I think you took her sex toy to work
Captainkirk699 t1_jab4nf9 wrote
Be thankful that’s not a tattoo
nothighandmighty t1_jab5bqr wrote
Plot twist, it was the guy in supermarket, to the girl 🙂
UsernameUndeclared t1_jab6eyv wrote
Plot twist, it was the farmer, months ago, with a magnifying glass!
iaintlyon t1_jabiefm wrote
That is the banana talking to you. And I bet you just ate it you monster.
SirSweepsAlot t1_jabkce6 wrote
i was about to correct the title to on* then realized no the title is correct
Berlinexit t1_jabld6l wrote
newredditwhoisthis t1_jabm15n wrote
Well that's one way of letting your same sex partner know that you are breaking up with them....
[deleted] t1_jabmxz0 wrote
She’s bananas for you
International_Way850 t1_jac4o77 wrote
The more i read the comments, the more i think that banana was meant to be used as a dildo
1singleduck t1_jachjrq wrote
Plot twist the banana was talking to her.
Re7icle t1_jacsk38 wrote
I came here to say this lol. And I would give you an upvote but you're at 69 rn so I'm not allowed.
Adeep187 t1_jad068w wrote
They had a thing last night.
Ravenid t1_jad474i wrote
No your girlfriend was writing "I love John" and you walked in and interrupted her.
yungdeathstorm t1_jad5mbd wrote
Heart emoji
hambo_81 t1_ja8j9sm wrote
I guess she just really likes bananas.