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Black_Otter t1_ja3cpde wrote

That was the Vanderbilts idea of a hunting lodge


FredCo1s t1_ja3w4m1 wrote

It looks like the castles of the Loire Valley in France...


kirradoodle t1_ja45ukh wrote

I'm sure that's no accident. They modeled it after grand European homes of the time. It was the largest, fanciest private residence in America when it was built, and it still is.


FredCo1s t1_ja46b1g wrote

>I'm sure that's no accident. They modeled it after grand European homes of the time. It was the largest, fanciest private residence in America when it was built, and it still is.

In any case, it is beautiful, for sure !

And we mustn't forget that it was the Europeans who colonised the Americas, taking with them a part of their history. ;)


PhillipBrandon t1_ja4pxuc wrote

That annex wing on the right in this photo was added much later. Everyone thought the estate was completed but then they ... builtmore.


98jackalope t1_ja4woqn wrote

I recommend getting the audio tour, it's worth it.


comicsnerd t1_ja4zby7 wrote

The building is ok'ish. But that grass definitely needs an uplift.


JeanRelou123 t1_ja56789 wrote

I live in New Caledonia and have never heard of this! So cool, where exactly can I find it?


Legitimate_Reward_44 t1_ja5ko4x wrote

When I went there everything inside looked old and outdated. Imagine visiting a McMansion in 50 years. Also was not cheap, Was like 50 per person also.