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tatboe t1_j9mjv9h wrote

Here in Brazil we have sushi pizza, chocolate is easy level.


Skvora OP t1_j9mpyal wrote

Now that, is pure blasphemy!


tatboe t1_j9mq9eh wrote

I didn’t say it should be legal. It’s gross asf!


Skvora OP t1_j9muc3j wrote

That's a dry paella pretty much


Tarov08 t1_j9mrjh1 wrote

We have all kinds of pizza you can name


tatboe t1_j9mrwqu wrote

Chama no r/suddenlycaralho e na pizzinha de strogonoff, meu patrão


RoinAnjou t1_j9oy4o9 wrote

What is with the pizza in Brazil stuff? Like these pizzas wouldn't even make top 5 weirdest shit I've seen on pizza. What is happening?


tatboe t1_j9p4jeq wrote

Brazil have the most weird pizzas for sure. We have strogonoff pizza. Hot dog pizza. Hamburguer pizza… some of us are fucking savages


RoinAnjou t1_j9p7vkv wrote

Okay, those aren't that weird at all. Basically everywhere all over the world they do this. Weird pizza toppings isn't just a Brazil thing and what you consider weird to put on a pizza is dependent on your culture.


tatboe t1_j9p8s0b wrote

I think that mashed potatoes and sausages on a pizza is fucking weird, but everybody has a taste right?


DentedAnvil t1_j9pk5pd wrote

I was in Brazil in the early 90s, and I saw a sweetcorn and anchovy pizza. I still have nightmares.


tatboe t1_j9pkguw wrote

I’m not a fan of corn but it’s pretty common but anchovies should be banned from the food industry for good.