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combatmed1 t1_jaa4geg wrote

I was in Iraq....2003-2005 didn't exist for me. Lol


spunky3932 t1_jaa4m4j wrote

My area said cray-cray. I guess that means super crazy?


olde_greg t1_jaa6rph wrote

This is depressing. It doesn't even feel like that long ago.


zeptillian t1_jaa7ikf wrote

2004 was actually 19 years ago at this point.


CheeseburgerSmoothy t1_jaa9kxr wrote

Velour tracksuits we’re in fashion? Maybe for gopniks! Glad I missed that fashion trend.


mom2emnkate t1_jaabqh7 wrote

I worked at a place then that mentioned them specifically in the dress code, as in, "Velour track suits not permitted, even if you wear high heels." I had been there about a week and was positive I knew for whom that extra clause has been added, lol.


mikeyp83 t1_jaaod3a wrote

Come to think of it, has anyone checked on OutKast?


SirMcCheese t1_jaargzr wrote

Shrek 2 and Spider-Man 2 dang great year for sequels.


WornInShoes t1_jaarv96 wrote

That superbowl was the best one in the history of the nfl

was also the game that had the Justin Timberlake "Nipple Gate" during halftime


shmeeeeeeee1 t1_jaawtup wrote

Wow insane how the prices are different but wages are the same. I make about $48K living in the south and this is just funny to me


Santos_L_Halper_II t1_jaaxjxc wrote

Middle age confirmed: I only know the chick from stranger things in the “stars born in” section.


devious00 t1_jaay086 wrote

Bring back the choker necklaces.


themooniscool t1_jaazr6r wrote

When I was 18 and thought I knew everything about the world 😂


mukwah t1_jab50ur wrote

That was when Boston broke the curse! I was in Puerto Rico when they won


whiskeyjane45 t1_jab8d41 wrote

I was reading the bio for the coaches at my daughter's gymnastics. I banged my head against the wall and went to cry to my wife when I got to the one that was born in 2004. I graduated high school that year


l0wryda t1_jab90f7 wrote

the pistons bearing the lakers was the highlight of 2004. beat a LA team of basically all stars with billups, big ben, sheed, tayshaun, and rip.


runmymouth t1_jabb060 wrote

I thought astros were in world series in 2004….


HayTX t1_jabc0me wrote

2004 I just moved to Texas State. 2004-2007 where pretty fun.


muffinsticks t1_jabc7j6 wrote

The more years that pass the further I am from the 'The Reason' ever being heard again and it makes me so happy


mmutinoi t1_jabcf89 wrote

Those were my middle school cafeteria dance jams!


in-game_sext t1_jabpdlt wrote

Well, it says "average income" per capita and $48k is $24/hr... in like 95% of the country today, most people make that or less than that. Many states where most workers make half that.


PreppyFinanceNerd t1_jac4180 wrote

That was the year I and my highschool girlfriend documented every day to day update in our relationship via our LiveJournal accounts.

It started with meeting and two months later I was attempting suicide and changing schools. What a ride.

Also this forgot to mention how huge emo and pop punk was at this time. Holy hell you couldn't turn on the radio without hearing I'm Not Okay.


WornInShoes t1_jacfom6 wrote

Damn Kasay shanking the ensuing kickoff, giving Tom fuckin Brady the 40 instead of the 20

I couldn’t watch it was so painful, but still the best damn SB in the sport’s history


docsquidly t1_jacvetu wrote

Your link references median household income which is based on the income of every resident of that house that is over the age of 15. The OP references the average of individual incomes.


LewisEFurr t1_jad9c5u wrote

I was living in an apartment with a bunch of idiots, playing in a shitty local band, drinking and partying every night, San Andreas came out that year, it was a time of self-indulgence and self-destruction.

Good times.


Dummies102 t1_jaduyqt wrote

even back then the top movies were just a bunch of sequels...


Rez25 t1_jaeer1e wrote

“Hey Ya” transcends time.