Submitted by keysinunez t3_11dagd1 in pics
Boring-Rub-3570 t1_ja7giud wrote
Is coronary bypass surgery included in the bill?
herberstank t1_ja7hfg9 wrote
Holy heart attack that looks good
JustAlice_Mai t1_ja7hhs5 wrote
Sounds like a fatty crispy burger to me
JustAlice_Mai t1_ja7hivl wrote
Essentially yeah, lechon is made out of pork belly
[deleted] t1_ja7hr2q wrote
ennuinerdog t1_ja7i33a wrote
YeaISeddit t1_ja7ibso wrote
Lechon just means suckling pig, no? Have I been using this word wrong my entire life?
UsedZealand t1_ja7ihgl wrote
Looks amazing, definitely going to have a go at something like this. Might tone down the filling a bit to something a bit less rich, but hey that's just me.
JustAlice_Mai t1_ja7ihu7 wrote
Oh yeah...was thinking of the Filipino version which usually is associated with the belly to me
YeaISeddit t1_ja7imu5 wrote
I grew up a gringo in Miami. Virtually all pork products are called lechon here, including the entire Christmas pig roast. We would call that crispy skin chicharrón.
petroleumnasby t1_ja7iykj wrote
Is that what Hauser was nomnomming at SAG? I get it.
Klaeni t1_ja7j809 wrote
Haha! Came here to ask just that.
FUCKING__PEG__ME__ t1_ja7jkn4 wrote
Yes yes yes yes yes
jBjk8voZSadLHxVYvJgd t1_ja7ka2d wrote
Well I'm from Utica, and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'lechon'.
JA_LT99 t1_ja7la67 wrote
That much pork belly is definitely not to my taste, even if it does look really well roasted.
The real crime is all that dang American cheese. I agree it's usually the best cheese for burgers, but maybe it takes more than it gives here.
jesniejesnie t1_ja7lik5 wrote
CeeArthur t1_ja7m0om wrote
I just got chest pains looking at this
BIGREDDMACH1NE t1_ja7mdo0 wrote
A LeChonk burger?
sinnrocka t1_ja7mhzr wrote
No, not in Utica, it’s an Albany thing.
Expensive-Track4002 t1_ja7oj82 wrote
Very tasty looking.
usernameusehername t1_ja7otwg wrote
Big sticky poops... here i come
reason2listen t1_ja7p8f6 wrote
My bowels released just looking at that burger.
TheRepublicAct t1_ja7pez4 wrote
Technically right if you are referring to Lechon Kawali, which is basically Deep Fried Pork Belly.
TheRepublicAct t1_ja7plip wrote
I'm less worried about the coronary bypass, and more worried about wrecking my teeth when the Lechon cools and the skin becomes as tough as leather.
stu54 t1_ja7pmfq wrote
Looks awful. I'll have it with 4 cups of rice.
cnsnntsnly t1_ja7pso8 wrote
This looks great but is probably inedible.
aztech101 t1_ja7qbey wrote
I feel like they should be called something besides "burger" when you can no longer fit it in your mouth.
Murderyoga t1_ja7r0ur wrote
I need video proof you can actually take a decent bite out of that.
Huckleberry_Mediocre t1_ja7s9es wrote
This is excessive. But it's amazing. I love it...
Spartan2470 t1_ja7seq6 wrote
The source of this image is Mate Burger on FB. Per there:
> September 22, 2021
> The LECHON BURGER is back!
> Like an eclipse, some say you shouldn't look directly at it but blink and you may miss out!
> Limited numbers daily for in-store orders at Bella Vista and Mt Druitt this week!
outsourced_bob t1_ja7sirg wrote
A much needed, improved version of the "Double Down" - wiki reference:
I can feel my arteries hardening already...
jBjk8voZSadLHxVYvJgd t1_ja7ub9z wrote
BlueBlooper t1_ja7ufer wrote
Delicious but maybe too salty
MiffyCurtains t1_ja7uo5m wrote
I would happily eat two of those. With fries. Big glass of Coke. A toilet nearby.
Cestode27 t1_ja7wqiy wrote
I'd need to eat that with a knife and fork. No way you can take bite out of that from top to bottom.
PlayedUOonBaja t1_ja7x4jf wrote
I've finally found my line. I might just survive to see retirement afterall.
Captcha_Imagination t1_ja7y0rj wrote
I have no problem with excessive foods sometimes but I don't think this would be better than bread. The lechon would overpower the burger completely.
Danjeter t1_ja7yqpy wrote
Deliciously gross.
Ill-Ad3311 t1_ja7ywga wrote
I’d risk early death for that
ApricotNo2918 t1_ja82liz wrote
That onion ruins it.
Leather-College2557 t1_ja83ng2 wrote
😨😨 That doesn't look healthy, but dang that must've been a killer (hopefully not literally under the right precaution)
Geek55 t1_ja85fj0 wrote
Looks awful
Go1gotha t1_ja86byt wrote
I think my cardiologist just had a sympathetic heart attack from me looking at that.
FeedThatCat t1_ja86epc wrote
I know suckling pig to be Baboy in Tagalog. Thought Lechon just meant roasted, with Lechon Baboy being the whole roasted suckling pig for occasions and events. I could be wrong.
crazonline t1_ja86f88 wrote
El Diablo heart attack
sagarassk t1_ja870qe wrote
That looks fucking delicious. Totally worth the potential heart attack.
Armatur1 t1_ja877ru wrote
classic uneatable "food porn"
I_have_no_idea_why_I t1_ja88h3w wrote
The design is very hypertension
Denaljo13 t1_ja89td7 wrote
How to ruin good bacon!
thansal t1_ja8a696 wrote
Yah, the entire "We replaced your bread with protein!" thing just doesn't work for me. But all of that over a fuck tonne of rice? I'm game.
LastMinute9611 t1_ja8aj3u wrote
This pic makes my gums bleed.
factoid_ t1_ja8avdk wrote
Not down with the porkbelly "bun". A sandwich needs bread.
Break thsi bad boy in half, put a bun on each and then enjoy.
Taddles2020 t1_ja8by9s wrote
The Krusty Burger "the Clogger" burger irl.
Geruvah t1_ja8d30e wrote
Filipino is the whole pig roast.
SnooPickles7369 t1_ja8e7gi wrote
Stunt food, this looks impossible to eat 🙄
CanadianStrangeTamer t1_ja8iik1 wrote
I’d blow tf out of my toilet bowl after eating this.
Would be so worth it though.
Osiris32 t1_ja8jxf5 wrote
No onions, please. Large Coke and fries.
poohbearandtiger t1_ja8m0nn wrote
the most legit
Madman61 t1_ja8mfj0 wrote
And a large soda.
its_not_you_its_ye t1_ja8nkuu wrote
What do you mean? There’s clearly vegetables in there.
emeeteeaechohdeeman t1_ja8phl1 wrote
Leheartattack burger.
BjornBeetleBorg t1_ja8qr4z wrote
I wouldn't mind a lechon blt type thing. lechon lettuce and tomato on some toast.
Roidy t1_ja8r1yg wrote
Well, that's why they make simvastatin.
Brilliant-Engineer57 t1_ja8r4mq wrote
Is the bun, pork belly?
typhoidtimmy t1_ja8ra02 wrote
One of those burgers you would hide in your room eating with the shades down.
Olive_Magnet t1_ja8rxqz wrote
Lechon is actually the whole roasted pig
bl00df1redeath t1_ja8tiby wrote
Altruistic-Ad5074 t1_ja8tppr wrote
Fuck you sign me up
cfdeveloper t1_ja8u3o1 wrote
I wish I was that lucky today
Tenalp t1_ja8urhi wrote
More like LeChonk Burger.
I'll see myself out.
Thatdewd57 t1_ja8utxi wrote
Ahh yes the path to a faster heart attack!
1337duck t1_ja8v5yz wrote
You may eat this 1x in your life time.
Photon_Pharmer t1_ja8vapm wrote
This immediately makes me think of Universal healthcare.
Photon_Pharmer t1_ja8vdj0 wrote
This immediately makes me think of Universal Healthcare.
PepperoniPizzzaaa t1_ja8wnx9 wrote
Plus a diet coke please.
t53ix35 t1_ja91aw5 wrote
I am more worried about his bowels than his heart in the short term.
HyperComa t1_ja91x3k wrote
I need this in my mouth STAT.
amitrion t1_ja967pb wrote
I would love a single bite, tbh... but that's probably it
capodecina2 t1_ja98k4m wrote
food orgasm
real_lev_tolstoy t1_ja99w1r wrote
phileo t1_ja9adxb wrote
This thing has more calories than there are stars in the universe
thescrounger t1_ja9cwaf wrote
It's a no from me dog
hellycopterinjuneer t1_ja9g1mp wrote
Can relate.
Brilliant-Engineer57 t1_ja9gwtf wrote
Why don’t you just drink all of your bacon grease
schadenfreudey t1_ja9jamh wrote
I want this
Doggleganger t1_ja9jm55 wrote
Yes, it looks like crispy pork belly. It looks delicious. I would eat this in a heartbeat. (Maybe my last heartbeat.)
Doggleganger t1_ja9jpsv wrote
You can order the diet version, with just one burger patty.
oldbulldog22 t1_ja9nxsz wrote
No longer measured in A1C, it's now A1G.
Mawngee t1_ja9p9uz wrote
qqtan36 t1_ja9pryb wrote
I broke a tooth looking at this
CornWallacedaGeneral t1_ja9ptm5 wrote
The meat ate vegetables everyday
syntaxterror69 t1_ja9q47y wrote
Sitting here all alone during my lunch break when I scrolled up to this monstrosity and literally said out loud: "goddamn"
alpacasb4llamas t1_ja9qcht wrote
There's enough fat in this to deep fry the next pig
kcjnz t1_ja9qvac wrote
This picture just caused multiple heart attacks...
[deleted] t1_ja9sufq wrote
HotTamaleOllie t1_ja9sw03 wrote
How does one’s jaw open wide enough to attempt a bite?
kurwwazzz t1_ja9tdj3 wrote
Yum cholestérol it is hearth braking
X0AN t1_ja9xxa7 wrote
That's not what lechon means 🤣🤷🏽♂️
WeTheSummerKid t1_ja9y5y6 wrote
not kosher, not halal.
librician t1_ja9zyfg wrote
Jesus have mercy
Funny_Breadfruit_413 t1_jaa0gbb wrote
That's ridiculous
SoulSlayer1974 t1_jaa6kd6 wrote
That thing looks like death...
gil_bil_79 t1_jaa76sw wrote
Cracklin' for a bun. Zero trans fats.
[deleted] t1_jaab9c2 wrote
B00dle t1_jaac4vh wrote
I can feel the fear.. in my arteries.
hatsuseno t1_jaae9xf wrote
That'll be 79.50, please.
Retired2earlyyy t1_jaaeez3 wrote
Post in /keto
whatproblems t1_jaaf1my wrote
garlic rice!
watchyourbackplease t1_jaagccv wrote
I feel fat looking at this
carguy1961 t1_jaagqg9 wrote
I hope you have a good cardiologist on call...
Ruenin t1_jaaijo4 wrote
"What would YOU do for a deathburger?"
Mod_Accountability t1_jaalcwc wrote
Its nickname is the "snake burger" because you have to unhinge your jaw to eat it.
TunaOnWytNoCrust t1_jaamerk wrote
The thing about pork belly and bacon is that if you get enough of it all at once it just tastes like really shitty ham. Also because of the sheer amount of fat the texture is disgusting. This is way way worse for your health than its flavor makes up for.
gonzo5622 t1_jaaojfp wrote
Same! I’m crying now… I just want it so bad! 😩
Disma t1_jaapaht wrote
That's disgusting and somehow even worse than the donut burgers
DeviousLaureano t1_jaav6xo wrote
looks impossible to bite.
SpiceyPorkFriedRice t1_jab2tbs wrote
mrcssee t1_jab4wq4 wrote
Yeah, simply put this on a plate and it can be dishes
crimefightingloser t1_jab5wv4 wrote
Where do I get this?
raazurin t1_jabkihn wrote
That looks disgusting. Where do I get one?
TechnocraticWardance t1_jac5lg9 wrote
That is gonna take a full week to shit out again.
UsedZealand t1_ja7g671 wrote
Is that pork belly for buns...?
Because that is awesome