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bronky_charles t1_jaax7na wrote

Careful! If u fart too powerfully when the fan is on you could create a vortex! These can quickly escalate into a fartnado! Very powerful winds breaking things!


BacklashLaRue t1_jaayyrp wrote

I just finished bathroom remodeling. I wrote FAN on the wire. I did not write FART FAN. Now I gotta rip off some tile and open the wallboard all to write the word FART on some Romex.


GLP0307 OP t1_jaaz4us wrote

You have to do it for future generations. its like a time capsule.


Supertho t1_jaatq9z wrote

Bathroom vents draw out moisture not odor.


GLP0307 OP t1_jaav2au wrote

I think its about the sound, not the odor.