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AskMeForADadJoke t1_jdfiabu wrote

The thing people forget about bacon is that it continues to cook after you take it out. So many people burn it because of this.

Beautiful work.


Otherwise_Carob_4057 t1_jdfj3nt wrote

I try to do slightly less done than this since I’m usually recooking my bacon but superb job.


mysteriouscrater t1_jdfk2ek wrote

This is the kind of bacon that only comes along once in a generation (week), cherish it!!!


bhillen83 t1_jdfkc3w wrote

Idk, I’d have to taste some of it to determine the quality.


bowens44 t1_jdfkgot wrote

all beacon is near perfect


garlic_b t1_jdfkyht wrote

All bacon is perfect…


Odin4456 t1_jdfkyz1 wrote

350 degrees, 12-15 minutes in the oven. Put it on parchment paper. Makes perfect bacon every time. May need oven at 375 depending on oven


crippledgimp88 t1_jdfln4c wrote

375 - 400 in the oven 100%

Find a wide parchment paper and use that as a liner for your baking tray.

After transferring the bacon to paper towels, leave the leftover grease as is in the parchment paper. When it solidifies after a few hours, fold the parchment paper and toss in the trash.

No mess clean up.


DWright_5 t1_jdflovz wrote

Wish I ate breakfast at your house. That’s 14 slices of bacon. Is there any left?


HeyJoe459 t1_jdflspo wrote

Fucking nailed it. How, you tease?!


dfreinc t1_jdfmh19 wrote

pretty solid bacon πŸ™Œ


DaClems t1_jdfnv0b wrote

Nice. But also it's not that difficult, what have you BEEN doing before this?


Lavatis t1_jdfpuoj wrote

that's just bacon man. all bacon is perfect.


ChronoDrifter t1_jdfq5aj wrote

I've been using an Insta-pot Air Fryer oven. Air Fry at 350 for 6-7 minutes. But I put it in before it warms up since I always get busy cooking something else. It might actually be another couple minutes. Also, I can only do 4-5 pieces at a time.


ImprobableValue t1_jdfqct7 wrote

I prefer starting with a cold oven, cooking at a higher temp (400ΒΊ F), and cooking for a slightly longer time (around 17 minutes with my oven).

Starting with a cold oven renders the fat more slowly, and in my experience, leads to more even cooking.


sketchahedron t1_jdfqqki wrote

Wow, you cooked bacon! Is your name Gordon Ramsey? What’s next, people posting photos of the bowl of cereal they expertly poured?


tuppertom t1_jdfqydm wrote

That's some mighty fine bacon you got there buddy!


waysafe t1_jdfrj75 wrote

Oven method definitely works, I do preheat 400 degrees and 10 to 12 minutes depending on the bacon; different cuts in same brand cook differently. I look for bacon with long straight lines, don't care about fat, I just want to see lean and fat in a straight line.


charlie2135 t1_jdfv0mb wrote

Just learned to add a couple of tablespoons of water to the pan when making it on the stovetop.


Odin4456 t1_jdfvdcq wrote

I’m about easy, consistent and as little cleanup/mess as possible. I used to cook 8 sheet trays of bacon a morning for breakfast and oven bacon is the way for me at home now. Lol you can always go the easiest route and microwave the sumbitches. You’d be pleasantly surprised how well it turns out. Only problem is you can only cook a few at a time


tacknosaddle t1_jdfxy3f wrote

>as little cleanup/mess as possible

When the pan cools a bit but the bacon fat is still liquid throw a handful of oatmeal into the pan and get it all coated in that fat to remove most of it. Then throw it out in the yard for the birds and squirrels to get a bit of a high calorie treat. After that the pan cleanup is nothing.


Scoobywagon t1_jdfycgx wrote

Factually incorrect. All bacon is inherently perfect.


EventArgs t1_jdg11ft wrote

I read about putting it in a frying pan with boiling water, first before the oven.


TuxRug t1_jdg33cx wrote

I have never wanted anything more...


Zierlyn t1_jdg36ej wrote

Being able to only do 4-5 pieces of bacon at a time is what is SAVING YOUR LIFE. It's bad enough that I can think "man, I would love some bacon" and literally have some freshly cooked and in my mouth in under 10 minutes, 15 if you need to run out and buy some first.

If you could do that AND make massive quantities of it? That's just asking for trouble.


portiedak t1_jdg36qg wrote

Too bad the pig suffered for it. At least you made the best out of it. Do you think it was worth it?


coded_artist t1_jdg3tsd wrote

Nice. An easy trick is to cover the pan. This causes the bacon to cook from all sides causing it to be crispy but not brittle.


tacknosaddle t1_jdg4bnu wrote

Yeah, you can also use it to brown meat and vegetables when starting a braising dish. When they said they were looking for as little cleanup/mess as possible I figured they probably weren't the type to save it for stuff like that which is why I made that suggestion.

I'm the type that buys slabs of pork belly and makes my own so am definitely down with saving it for other use. I always get the skin on belly because a few squares of that skin is a great way to add a bit of fat & some smoke flavor to a soup or stew.


canuckcowgirl t1_jdg67up wrote

My dad always said bacon is one of life's little pleasures.


Zerowantuthri t1_jdg6jim wrote

Try adding some water. Not a lot but enough to just cover the bacon.

As the water boils it renders the fat. You let the water boil off and the bacon fat is left behind which then fries your bacon.


tamarockstar t1_jdg7q10 wrote

Slightly more cooked than that is perfect to me. Crispy but not burnt.


ChronoDrifter t1_jdg7xxs wrote

It's been really convenient to be able to make a few quick pieces of bacon in the morning. Especially with 3 young kids. Meanwhile, we can use the stovetop uninterrupted for eggs, corned beef hash, grits, or whatever else we got going.


Obmars t1_jdg7y16 wrote

Cooking styles? Each cut of bacon (chops, joints, back, streaky and middle) is cooked and used differently. We cook streaky bacon the same way as op. Saying that the "British style of cooking bacon is atrocious" just sounds ignorant and is frankly offensive.


Denaljo13 t1_jdg8l6f wrote

Damn near perfect?! Just needed MORE bacon!!!


ramriot t1_jdga769 wrote

Great, you should put up a picture of it, to replace that plate of cremated half rashers.


cakeschmammert t1_jdge3a3 wrote

bacon should always come from the oven. just the best way to cook it by far.


EpikNyan t1_jdgh25m wrote

what if I told you I was a slightly crispy but still chewy kind of guy...


TasteCicles t1_jdgj3cp wrote

Once a girl asked me how I made the bacon in her breakfast so crunchy...

I literally asked her back, how do you NOT make it crunchy?? It basically cooks itself..


StanFitch t1_jdgn9il wrote


It is not in my belly.

Thus, it is nowhere near perfect.


Cpt_Woody420 t1_jdgyolz wrote

Streaky American crap cooked to a crisp? You haven't even seen real bacon if you think this is perfect. 1/10.


Milly_man t1_jdh1xvn wrote

I wish Americans were more exposed to back bacon. Real, thick, chunky bacon. None of this 95% fat strips.


NecroJoe t1_jdh3pkh wrote

I used to use a rack every time, but in my oven, it takes nearly twice as long, and you have to pay much more attention to flipping and rotating individual strips around the pan to get it all even. Straight on parchment, I think I switched around a couple of pieces once, and got great results.


spunkenhimer t1_jdh5yqd wrote

All bacon is perfect. We don't discriminate here.


Left-Star2240 t1_jdh6zre wrote

The real question is where are you and are you offering to share? I’ll be right over


jimni_walker t1_jdhfpo3 wrote

Turn your oven on to the lowest temperature. Place an oven safe plate or pan inside lined with a paper towel or parchment. As you finish the bacon transfer to oven. You can also keep other food items like toast or eggs warm as well and having a warm plate to put toast on stops toast sweat.


OptionalFTW t1_jdhgxa2 wrote

It's like putting potatoes in cold water and turning the heat on and not straight into boiling water. They cook more evenly instead of overcooked outside and raw inside.

Bacon, it allows the fat time to render before it gets blasted and crispy.


Cladari t1_jdhjs7n wrote

Pre heating became a thing when people started blindly following recipes instead of learn to cook by feel. Pre heating makes timing easier because if the recipe calls for 20 minutes at 350 you can start the timer as soon as you put your food in the oven. If you don't preheat you have to watch it closely and learn to tell when it's done.


danishduckling t1_jdhqjej wrote

Looks a bit overcooked, some of the edges nearly burning.


typhoidtimmy t1_jdi2rqm wrote

Somewhere out there with no access to anything electronic to view this, Ron Swanson begins to involuntarily salivate.


RalTasha t1_jdi3nlw wrote

I put them between 2 pieces of paper like op has in the picture, 600w microwave for like 3-4minutes and they end up just like this. Why waste 15 minutes in the oven ?


PlayedUOonBaja t1_jdi5s7y wrote

Am I the only person whose bacon produces grease? I tried both the microwave and oven methods and they're swimming in grease, even with paper towels. I tried grilling bacon wrapped jalapenos and the grease kept starting fires, so I had to stop. I tried to cook them in an oven and the grease just coated everything. I can't figure out how you people all seem to have greaseless bacon.


RooneytheWaster t1_jdic0ny wrote

Why are you cooking and eating the fat from my bacon? What is this travesty?


webhick t1_jdid1cx wrote

I wish I could taste this photo.


rossarron t1_jdieabi wrote

Bacon in Britain is soft, not crisp, or as we call it burnt to a crisp.


Skulldo t1_jdj3ozy wrote

Is it behind that super crispy stuff?


the-denver-nugs t1_jdjgjo9 wrote

lol yeah, i'm single with no kids. cooking bacon is the meal, just continue to eat as you go. last batch there are 5 strips left. I do use the oven if i'm making sausage, bacon, egg and cheese biscuits tho.


Odin4456 t1_jdjkqyx wrote

Lol it was me. I can make good bacon in a cast iron or on a range top as well, but the time/effort/mess of that method isn’t usually something I’ve got time for. I also use it when I make sausage gravy to make my roux in the pot. Brown up the sausage, put some bacon fat in there and mix the flour in to a dough ball. Then I add my cream to proper consistency and taste


Odin4456 t1_jdjlcsc wrote

I don’t usually have too much of an issue with it, but I like messy ovens lol. You could move a rack above the center one and put another sheet tray above, but that’s more cleaning. Could lay a sheet of saran wrap over top of the bacon but then you would have to worry about it potentially sticking to the bacon.

But honestly I don’t notice a ton of grease popping when it cooks on the sheet tray with the parchment paper.


Odin4456 t1_jdjllnb wrote

Exactly! Much like cooking you gotta find what your oven likes. I’ve used some that say they’re 375 but they’re way hotter than that and the recommended times turn my food into hockey pucks. Also had some that say they’re 375 and I need to add another 15 minutes to it to complete. Once you find the sweet spot it is heaven on earth


suckercuck t1_jdjmrp0 wrote

No, about the only thing I use the microwave for is the timer ⏲️ when I’m cooking multiple dishes on the stove and in the oven/bbqπŸ˜†

Does it work? I picture rubbery bacon


Odin4456 t1_jdjne1i wrote

It does work, it is either super crispy or super rubbery. Haven’t taken the time to find the sweet spot. Doesn’t make as much as the oven so I don’t mess with it too much lol. You can cook steak and baked potatoes in the microwave as well

Edit: and by steak I mean cook just enough to finish with a sear in the cast iron when it’s done. I don’t hardly use this method unless it’s freeze your balls off cold in the winter and I really want a steak

Edit 2: freeze your balls off cold for me is -10F and colder with a 10-20 mph wind


suckercuck t1_jdjs6ku wrote

My brother, get yourself a decent cast iron pan and never look back. I only cook steak in a cast iron pan, on the grill outside, (or sometimes in a cast iron pan on the grill outside)πŸ˜†

I joined the steak subreddit and the cast iron subreddit and enjoy the pictures and the tips and tricks given there.

Cast iron steak!🀌 πŸ₯© πŸ˜‹


bridge1999 t1_jdk0bc6 wrote

Pellet grill set at 225 for 45 mins and then 250 for 30 mins


suckercuck t1_jdk33tm wrote

I hear you. I usually wipe it out after with a paper towel then I use dish soap and a nylon brush after a little soak.

Re-season with heat and oil and viola!

It was nice chatting with you today. Cheers 🍻


SgtBaxter t1_jdkbrqk wrote

And you didn't invite any of us over.