Outrageous-Pause6317 t1_jeapoij wrote
So lovely! Now I want to go!
cedley1969 t1_jeaq7wh wrote
Everything I see makes me want to go back to Portugal.
bikeidaho t1_jear0qm wrote
Happy painting!
drewhead118 t1_jeas8sj wrote
I give it about an hour before some local redditor has posted the google maps coordinates for that exact view
sdforbda t1_jeask9y wrote
This is absolutely gorgeous!
djb25 t1_jeat4qr wrote
You got some paint on your shirt.
H_Doofenschmirtz t1_jeaufgd wrote
onlybrand t1_jeaxdnx wrote
Wow!!! I was in Lisbon last year and seeing your beautiful artwork immediately took me back there and the fond memories. Thank you and respect for your artistry!!!!
wubwubdubdub45 t1_jeaz0ij wrote
That's great!
eltraquino t1_jeb0me7 wrote
Vamos caralhooo
Argha511992 t1_jeb0xcl wrote
The absolute urge to leave for Lisbon right now has been heightened thanks to this masterpiece.
kojak488 t1_jeb3ede wrote
Some fucking wizards on the internet.
QuailFew9318 t1_jeb4pmr wrote
I love that country. Had some crazy travel plans and didn't have a hotel for a night, some locals adopted me and took me to a party the next town over - and that's a pretty average day.
terrificallytom t1_jeb5os2 wrote
Very nice light! Beautiful! Do you sell?
Next-Mobile-9632 t1_jeb6czr wrote
Excellent, and you're cute
Important_Order5073 t1_jebdmke wrote
TargetDroid t1_jebg0zg wrote
Oh wow, look! A reasonably attractive woman with an average painting! Don’t see that a lot on this sub!
AdvocatePhotography t1_jebj1tv wrote
I 💘 Lisbon
marenko267 t1_jebm5mb wrote
Wow, it's gorgerous. Keep going!
OPs_Spare_Account t1_jebs52u wrote
Where in this picture is the pharmacy that's older than the USA?
Coalmen t1_jebwkfd wrote
First off, that is an INCREDIBLE PAINTING!!
secondly, you look like one of my little sister's friends. I dmhavent seen any pictures of her recently, but I saw your photo and first thought, "I didn't know Anna painted!"
SpicyHam82 t1_jebyguf wrote
Oh wow, look! A basement troll hating on things because he doesn't have to maturity to become a valuable member of society.
TargetDroid t1_jebzvhm wrote
stayh1gh361 t1_jec041d wrote
StageIndependent7346 t1_jec51mh wrote
boofthatcraphomie t1_jec8zs6 wrote
Average painting? Boy you out your goddamned mind if this is what you consider average.
TargetDroid t1_jec9xmb wrote
I know, right? For someone who isn’t invested in art, it’s incredible. But for people who actually paint, it’s just standard-issue.
That’s how it is! I’m afraid your opinion is merely dilated by the attractive woman standing beside it.
boofthatcraphomie t1_jeca2z0 wrote
lol alright buddy 👍🏽
Maybe clarify next time and say ‘This is very average if you are a painter like me’
I’m not a painter, this shit is impressive and would take me dozens of hours to make a shitty replica of. To me that is above average, the lady standing next to it has no influence on how good the painting is.
havesomemorepie t1_jecf43m wrote
Came to make this exact comment since this was a half dozen or so posts below the pharmacy one in my feed. But you got there first, so I suppose I'll just give you an upvote instead.
Degen_Sauce t1_jecg1r0 wrote
AAAAAAA! BEAUTIFUL! I just watched an episode of Rick Steves' Europe about Lisbon!
Living-Dream t1_jecwgcn wrote
I like the painting.
Money_Economics4633 t1_jed0q9q wrote
this is incredible!! You’re really talented
Qcos1996 t1_jed0stv wrote
You're really pretty too!
Draw_Horror t1_jed12ef wrote
kc_cramer t1_jedl4ru wrote
Great work!
Ultamira t1_jedrt8u wrote
So your art sucks and you need to devalue someone else’s efforts because they’re a woman so you can feel like your own is just “unappreciated” because you don’t have boobs, we get it.
dread_deimos t1_jeds87h wrote
This reminded me of a warm and slightly rainy day when I've been chilling out under that tree on the hill in top left corner of the picture.
stalet t1_jedzuqc wrote
Nice work!
theGaido t1_jee0m16 wrote
It would be cool, if whole picture was a painting, not only 1/3 of it.
Particular-Solid4069 t1_jee83h9 wrote
wow, amazing
street2party t1_jeebyul wrote
Awesome work, you should be very proud
[deleted] t1_jeef99i wrote
El_Chelon_9000 t1_jeent0a wrote
It’s just beautiful! What a great job.
[deleted] t1_jef5pxb wrote
Lower-Concern-4771 t1_jefct0x wrote
This painting is currently under construction.
DeckenFrost t1_jefefk1 wrote
Beautiful! The painting is amazing too!
randomusernameguy4 t1_jeapgqj wrote
That's beautiful!