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Emergency_Paperclip t1_je3s9r0 wrote

From what OP described she was trespassing.

If, while I am asleep, my cat knocks over a glass of water onto a hardwood floor, and then a burglar breaks into my house and slips on the puddle of water, should they sue me because I didn't have a wet floor sign?


PM_me_your_arse_ t1_je4a55r wrote

>If, while I am asleep, my cat knocks over a glass of water onto a hardwood floor, and then a burglar breaks into my house and slips on the puddle of water, should they sue me because I didn't have a wet floor sign?

I'm not sure why you think that's in any way comparable.


Emergency_Paperclip t1_je57or4 wrote

Well for starters, the lady was trespassing on private property, and she was stealing stuff.

You don't have to make sure your private property is safe for burglars to use.