scottmogcrx t1_jc4od0v wrote
Reverse goatse
DarthLysergis t1_jc4ph6e wrote
alternate perspective goatse
Just-a-Poet t1_jc4pk23 wrote
four fingers coming out of a but-hole?
Newportonehunnid t1_jc4q0bo wrote
My thoughts exactly…..or….nevermind
gnex30 t1_jc4tcyk wrote
I regret getting this reference.
[deleted] t1_jc4uigp wrote
Bagline t1_jc4vf4d wrote
I see the internet has ruined us both.
earnestlikehemingway t1_jc4vnch wrote
Missing 3 more fingers
CornWallacedaGeneral t1_jc4vs6l wrote
Ace Ventura:Pet Detective
rustang2 t1_jc4vy1j wrote
r/eldenring appears.
southpaw85 t1_jc4vzo5 wrote
Try finger but hole.
Cover_Some t1_jc4wc0y wrote
Butthole fingers.
[deleted] t1_jc4woqn wrote
rabed t1_jc4x2yq wrote
When you wanna try anal but she said start slow.
geobioguy t1_jc4xqht wrote
I'm so glad this is the top comment.
DeluxeMixedNutz t1_jc4y1vy wrote
Pádraic: Have I gone fecking mental? No I haven't gone fecking mental. Not only have I not gone fecking mental, but I have got ten fingers to prove I'm not fecking mental. How many fingers have you got to prove you're not fecking mental?
Colm: Nine fingers.
Pádraic: Nine fingers is the epitome of mental.
lostalaska t1_jc4y4rg wrote
Elden Ring flashbacks...(ᗒᗩᗕ)
MrTbagger t1_jc4y6v3 wrote
Penisis hole
No-Actuator-3209 t1_jc4ym8v wrote
Looks rad
BurnerForJustTwice t1_jc4z7nv wrote
Sweats in Caria manor PTSD
CarrotyTucker t1_jc503wn wrote
Finger trap from Ellen ring
[deleted] t1_jc50bqg wrote
chrontab t1_jc50c79 wrote
Crypticy_ t1_jc50ful wrote
Beware of finger
smaier69 t1_jc51xzr wrote
Was the first thing that pooped in my head as well.
WhataburgerLiberal t1_jc52fiv wrote
unicorn-dumps t1_jc52x4q wrote
Is it a brown star with fingers?
mattheimlich t1_jc540st wrote
Dammit, I was going to make that joke!
murdermouf t1_jc544qx wrote
Penis fingers
skabobbin OP t1_jc54ll8 wrote
If your penis looks like any of these, I feel very sorry for any woman who has slept with you :(
processedmeat t1_jc55hxq wrote
What my colon sees
murdermouf t1_jc55ict wrote
Thanks for that but I am a woman and love all kinds of penises
dwsam t1_jc56fer wrote
Reverse fisting.
leesmt t1_jc56l10 wrote
Came here to say this lol
fucuasshole2 t1_jc56siq wrote
This post giving me these vibes
Tekunjo t1_jc56tts wrote
I don’t even know why I checked the comments. I knew what I would see
LawAndUsername t1_jc5766l wrote
Glad it wasn’t just me
IrrelevantPuppy t1_jc57w60 wrote
[deleted] t1_jc583es wrote
cutelyaware t1_jc58h5e wrote
Try tarantula legs next time
TuringC0mplete t1_jc5a01d wrote
Cool art, but makes me very uncomfortable lol
EmotionSix t1_jc5ambr wrote
How do you sculpt sand like that?
RonaldTheGiraffe t1_jc5b3b9 wrote
assumprata t1_jc5b8cs wrote
And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's up to you to decide who's telling the truth.
ZilorZilhaust t1_jc5bcr3 wrote
I briefly thought this was some sort of Dickthulu emerging from some abyssal hell anus.
I was impressed.
sno_so_pro t1_jc5bl2j wrote
Caria Manor
aidibbily t1_jc5c6pt wrote
goatse was in us all along
themanwithonesandle t1_jc5dbm0 wrote
If I stumbled on this I’d run screaming
symmiR t1_jc5dfxe wrote
Shouldn’t the fingers be going into the butthole?
TheInconspicuousBIG t1_jc5dmim wrote
Finger but hole
Arrowmatic t1_jc5dpyp wrote
Thanks, I hate it.
Mossephine t1_jc5e4ak wrote
Oh, that's upsetting.
lefthandrighty t1_jc5g0h9 wrote
Ooo, it reminds me of the movie The Grudge but with butthole
angusbethune t1_jc5g7r7 wrote
I’m glad there was at least two of us… first thought that came to mind
Droid-Man5910 t1_jc5gr81 wrote
Trying to escape mother nature's asshole
Niceration t1_jc5h2hu wrote
feeling weird
rvralph803 t1_jc5hr4h wrote
Reverse goatse
rvralph803 t1_jc5hsie wrote
I want to make these as picture frames.
[deleted] t1_jc5iybm wrote
Ahh the sandy butthole spider
BehrmanTheBeerman t1_jc5kor2 wrote
If your goal was to creep me out you succeeded
Junkman1283 t1_jc5l8yj wrote
Nature IS calling…
Zeniphyre t1_jc5l92b wrote
Buddy imma need you to go back to kindergarten for that one.
TPf0rMyBungh0le t1_jc5l9yr wrote
Probably the best scene in comedy movie history. Especially the asshole fingering that preceded the birthing.
Ultivia t1_jc5lnbp wrote
Try finger..
CheetahStocks t1_jc5lsq3 wrote
Honestly just make it into a “HUMAN Spider”
Tmassey1980 t1_jc5mdec wrote
I see 5 penises and a butthole
PhluXx1 t1_jc5mhqw wrote
Very cool what an artist.
[deleted] t1_jc5mszg wrote
V1noVeritas t1_jc5n4f1 wrote
Reverse Goatse.
AssholeThrowaway_ t1_jc5o0xe wrote
Ahhhhhhhhh, so this is what my doctor meant when they said I should start looking inwards for the answers. I’m a muppet!
Epicmonk117 t1_jc5ovsg wrote
Epicmonk117 t1_jc5owul wrote
Spider hands,
Spider hands.
God, I fucking hate spider hands.
gab_rab_24 t1_jc5pj7d wrote
The goatse was the friendship that we made along the way
johnsgrove t1_jc5qlfm wrote
Resident-Armadillo-6 t1_jc5rerw wrote
“Penises running away from the stinker at the beach”
Brave_Sky1861 t1_jc5rzma wrote
Good art scary vibe.
skabobbin OP t1_jc5t53z wrote
So apparently the consensus is that these are butthole fingers. Or weiners coming out of a butthole
Guess I should mind the framing next time
MechanicalBengal t1_jc5uise wrote
you say GOATse, I say goatSE, lets call the whole thing off
GoatTacos t1_jc5v7j2 wrote
It’s the finger monster from Elden Ring
TheFabulousBardu t1_jc5voba wrote
You know that episode of Jodie Whitaker's Dr Who with the detachable fingers. It's giving me that.
xseannnn t1_jc5x9r9 wrote
Soias18 t1_jc5y45h wrote
Seems like some spider about to snap
4RCH43ON t1_jc5y70y wrote
Walk without rhythm and you won’t attract the worm.
Vorcel t1_jc5ylr8 wrote
Looks fantastic!
I also really don't like this!
[deleted] t1_jc5z27w wrote
parm_sidhu t1_jc5z3lb wrote
Some kid on the beach will def love this. Totally will make their day
flyinghouses t1_jc5z7nb wrote
pissy_corn_flakes t1_jc60div wrote
You beat me to it. A man of culture..s
BakedBySunrise t1_jc6104e wrote
So glad this was already said lol
The84thWolf t1_jc61dyi wrote
Somewhere, an Elden Ring player is having an anxiety attack
TripleHomicide t1_jc61y8q wrote
Thanks, I hate it.
buchanj1 t1_jc62zd1 wrote
Simply called penises
somebodyelse22 t1_jc6481i wrote
Am I the only one who just flexed their hand, to see if they could get their thumb to 180° opposite their pinky?
Welcomefriends85 t1_jc65u63 wrote
Creepy af
Mr_Wigglebutz t1_jc66nac wrote
Korgoth420 t1_jc673oe wrote
Shai Halud
redeye478 t1_jc674pe wrote
thanks, I hate it :-)
you_got_me_fucked_up t1_jc675ae wrote
Everyone is talking buttholes but I see the end of The Cabin in the Woods
Roadie_Hog_ t1_jc67o9n wrote
What her poop see while warming her up..
whatanicepanpan t1_jc67omg wrote
today_is_history t1_jc682ah wrote
Triggering every /r/EldenRing player
dexatrosin t1_jc68jzu wrote
I call them “Thing Kings”
Benyed123 t1_jc68sy1 wrote
This is a reference?
whytheaubergine t1_jc69xl6 wrote
Glad it wasn’t just me either…you can bet someone like me came along when they left the beach and made those into something more phallic
Flutterwasp t1_jc6ahsj wrote
I totally see what you were going for, but the execution needs work. The spacing between the fingers is off. It doesn't look like a hand emerging from a hole so much as severed fingers
AbsenteeFatherTime t1_jc6b4x4 wrote
The beginning of the scene from Ace Ventura escaping the rhino.
neorapsta t1_jc6bzz2 wrote
Reverse goatse, a bold statement
OoklaDMok t1_jc6ecyv wrote
Ignoring the obvious that everyone else is commenting on, the fingers themselves look pretty good. The placement is bad though. Pinky and thumb going in opposite directions is pretty much impossible. The thumb wouldn't even really be there, maybe just the tip. The pinky should only show to the first knuckle. All the fingers should be much closer together really. I mean it would still look like fingers coming out of a butthole but it would be more realistic. :)
[deleted] t1_jc6ikzj wrote
beefnar_the_gnat t1_jc6j8cq wrote
They tried fingers but hole
Shendow t1_jc6jw7b wrote
GOATSE : The Other Side
OliverIsMyCat t1_jc6kd8a wrote
And one sausage with a fingernail.
brettyrocks t1_jc6kedu wrote
I really thought this was a post on r/mildlypenis at first.
brettyrocks t1_jc6khnt wrote
I am definitely the type of person to do that.
Damien_Roshak t1_jc6l48g wrote
Cleary a facehugger. Pardon. Asshugger. Never made it into the Alien Franchise in bigger scales.
needspice t1_jc6ogv4 wrote
Finger, but hole.
NineMinded t1_jc6olgt wrote
You sweet summer child
Benyed123 t1_jc6oqt5 wrote
Is it actually referencing something or are they just calling the word “goatse” a reference?
deadmandead1996 t1_jc6p00f wrote
finger or ??
[deleted] t1_jc6p6c1 wrote
This_Is_Section_One t1_jc6pgvj wrote
What goes on in your mind scares me
D34TH_5MURF__ t1_jc6t99s wrote
Reverse goatse
[deleted] t1_jc6u7g5 wrote
muze222 t1_jc6uhpi wrote
Finger in the hole
Illusive_Man t1_jc6umwu wrote
Lol my spelunker friend has this tattooed on his asshole
smokeatr99 t1_jc6y1ad wrote
I bet you have a natural gift for buildinghand castles
waetherman t1_jc6ycm8 wrote
Goetse when it reaches the other side.
Mattmandu2 t1_jc764eh wrote
Better not see this on click bait later today: “you’ll never guess where we found giant fingers!”
dwt77 t1_jc7bdti wrote
What in the Banshees of Inisherin?!
gil_beard t1_jc7c88k wrote
A reverse Goatse.
gnex30 t1_jc7geea wrote
Alas, I am older than the internet. I lived through the dark days of old. A lawless and unfiltered time, a time when the only limitations were your imagination and your 14.4kbps dial up modem. I saw great meme empires grow into dominance and then crumble into dusk like ancient civilizations. In the early days of memes, there were no rules, anything and everything was attempted, and whatever went "viral" (before this term existed) is what later shaped the entire internet. Cats mostly, but other things too. Darker things. Much much darker than cats even.
Kotopause t1_jc7l1lx wrote
BarrierX t1_jc7lcyo wrote
So what is it really?
mercutio1 t1_jc7r3ni wrote
From the gerbil’s POV.
KornCrush t1_jc83cai wrote
Those are weird looking penie (plural of penis in case any uneducated person tried to call me out).
TwiceDiA t1_jc84fas wrote
Wallmasters for me hah
McFrosty t1_jc87sgc wrote
Reverse goatse
SlimeCloudBeta t1_jc89ch7 wrote
Amazing fingers…confused about the hole.
[deleted] t1_jc99l3a wrote
[deleted] t1_jclct8g wrote
hunterdanielss t1_jc4o3fh wrote
Looks like that elden ring monster the giant hand