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Human_Robot t1_iugdtjz wrote

Marathon of hop? I feel like I'm missing a reference...


memento22mori t1_iugem7b wrote

Apparently Terry Fox was an athlete that lost his leg and ran across Canada so maybe the hop part is a joke about how it's difficult to walk with an artificial leg?


hopelesscaribou t1_iuhgog9 wrote

You can see the 'E' in 'HOPE' in the fold of the t-shirt.

In 1980, Terry's journey to raise money for cancer research began and he called it the Marathon of Hope. With fierce determination and hope, Terry completed an average of 42 km each day, every day for 143 days. He ran a total of 5,373 km. Terry's Route Across Canada.

The only joke is the map of the US on his shirt that OP didn't notice!

(Sorry OP! Here's a fun fact for your pain...nowhere is the race more popular than Cuba!)

Cuba - 1998. In 2005, over 1.9 million people used 3,600 sites. In 2006, it had around 2.6 million participants. The tenth run in 2007 had 4,652 sites and 2.267 million runners.


Human_Robot t1_iugf560 wrote

Never heard of him before but damn he's a badass.


memento22mori t1_iugfwm4 wrote

Yeah, me neither. Maybe he's well known in Canada? Like a real life Forest Gump or something.


bibchip t1_iuggpy5 wrote

He’s very well known in Canada. Yearly Terry Fox ‘runs’ in elementary and high school etc


tdfast t1_iugi6is wrote

Do people really not know who Terry Fox is? Not only was he the greatest Canadian ever, he was the original Fuck Cancer guy!

Also what the fuck is up with that shirt?why is it of the US?


DrDroid t1_iugkae2 wrote

The Gump running across the country thing was likely inspired by Fox. His story was very well known in the early 80s.


IForgotWhoIAm t1_iugjqok wrote

It's a wrinkle in the shirt, you can see the E if you look hard.


Human_Robot t1_iuhhgwd wrote

Holy shit you're right. Well that makes this less dark and I feel bad.