Shamrockah t1_iug1kn8 wrote
Happy Hallogivingmas!
mittens1982 t1_iug1rhp wrote
That will do pig.......that will do
Assholesfullofelbows t1_iug3kom wrote
While you rewatch how I met your mother for the 475th time.
Been there pal
soda_cookie t1_iug4h6q wrote
"But what about....."
the look
wordlessly heads to the garage
brujabella t1_iug4iu5 wrote
“And THAAAATTT is how I kept your mother “
UnknownMale- t1_iug5t1q wrote
Awaiting tomorrows post "taking down the tree"
jonsconspiracy t1_iug6nl0 wrote
People watch reruns of HIMYM?
NikoStrelkov t1_iug6ssx wrote
Says it all...
discretobandito t1_iug7at0 wrote
Give an inch they take a mile. RIP
starwarsman05 t1_iug8cfe wrote
he will be watching 2 and a half men in a few years
gaveedraseven t1_iug8l51 wrote
You're a good spouse.
squee4life t1_iug8tx9 wrote
Haaaave, you met Ted
MidgetLovingMaxx t1_iugd25u wrote
Flip on Hallmark channel and just turn into the skid, your year is over now.
Eastern_Action_1775 t1_iugd9w5 wrote
TheOakblueAbstract t1_iugdfc8 wrote
C0ff33qu3st t1_iuge369 wrote
LooksAtClouds t1_iugffvk wrote
I'm feeling like I didn't make my husband do enough weird stuff when I was pregnant oh so many years ago. I missed my chance.
SecuritiesLawyer t1_iugfo4e wrote
I feel like this is a little unreasonable but I'm divorced so maybe don't listen to me.
JayAlexanderBee t1_iuggcj7 wrote
So pretty!
Xerosnake90 t1_iugj35n wrote
Classic Schmosby
AndarianDequer t1_iugl6aa wrote
My family started in a new tradition this year. We put up the Christmas tree before Halloween and decorated for Halloween, orange lights and scary ornaments. Then we can just leave it all the way up through the beginning of January.
fulthrottlejazzhands t1_iugm4xc wrote
You can rest easy that you're likely a nice person who doesn't force irrational and unreasonable demands on your partner.
Danejurrous t1_iugmef7 wrote
I’m in the same boat except my wife said she will hold on for two more weeks
LooksAtClouds t1_iugmlpq wrote
My only craving was for Thai food so I went to the same restaurant every work day for lunch. By the 3rd week they had my meal ready for me :)
The cravings are real. A good friend of mine told a story about his wife's pregnancy. One Saturday, his wife made a cherry pie after lunch. He spent the afternoon thinking about how good that pie was going to be after dinner. They had dinner. But the cherry pie did not appear. When he questioned his wife, she admitted that she had eaten the entire pie.
willy--wanka t1_iugmo6s wrote
Something about Marshall's antics really make the room less lonely.
Mitthrawnuruo t1_iugn419 wrote
Nope. Not before thanksgiving dinner.
[deleted] t1_iugn7i1 wrote
Prior_Crazy_4990 t1_iugomtz wrote
I never had pregnancy cravings... was also a generally happier and nicer person while pregnant too... I think I did it wrong 😂
PFChangsFryer t1_iugp6n3 wrote
Floating0821 t1_iugpn69 wrote
Spaceman-Spiff t1_iugpr0f wrote
It’s just like a department store. Christmas is up 2 days before Halloween.
Obliviontoad t1_iugqgtn wrote
You take the tree down? Weird. Ours is up all year. Changes for the season.
ambigramsarecool t1_iugr49v wrote
You have chosen wisely my friend!
BastardAtBat t1_iugr8v0 wrote
Hmmm, I wonder how u/Howyoudouken feels about this... Does this fit or can this get a pass?
RandomBloke2021 t1_iugrw3f wrote
Don't care, too soon.
kelemvor33 t1_iugsebz wrote
SWMBO has even more pull when pregnant. ;)
Impossible-Stay3592 t1_iugtu7e wrote
Happy wife, happy life
Valuable-Bell-4990 t1_iugudk7 wrote
One gift, one party
fire2day t1_iuguw0q wrote
With my wife it's Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy and every couple years, ER.
Good200000 t1_iuguzvz wrote
Smart man!!
RATGUT1996 t1_iugykw5 wrote
Birdbraned t1_iuh44lm wrote
Trust me, in a month you wouldn't have the energy.
Rexcovering t1_iuh63im wrote
Atta boy
ForeverTheElf t1_iuh713d wrote
Friends and Big Bang Theory for my fiancé. She says she likes the comfort of knowing what happens.
International-Year75 t1_iuh7kov wrote
Christmas tree in October, before Halloween too! how I met your mother, I’m so sorry 😢
caremal5 t1_iuh99y6 wrote
Your only choice now is to get pregnant again and do all the weird stuff you can possibly think of! Just kidding lol
krukson t1_iuh9dbq wrote
Same with my wife. She never had any weird cravings and I was disappointed I didn’t have to get up in the middle of the night to buy some weird shit to eat or something.
SoVerySleepy81 t1_iuha0ny wrote
Nostalgia4life t1_iuhadc4 wrote
obiwanconobi t1_iuhewya wrote
Oooft gonna be a long 2 months when that Christmas spirit goes
fluffyduckmurder t1_iuhkerh wrote
Happy wife, happy life.
LynxKuroneko t1_iuhkjyb wrote
simple_observer86 t1_iuhkmak wrote
My wife’s only craving was for a ham sub from a local sub shop. She heated the ham when she got it home because of the no cold cuts while pregnant thing ate it and then puked a few hours later. After the second time I told her no more ham subs until the kids are born.
Altaira99 t1_iuhkv6e wrote
Altaira99 t1_iuhldai wrote
When you're pregnant, especially very pregnant, you are basically operating out of your unconscious 80% of the time. Do not expect a pregnant woman to be 100% rational. Having a baby is really hard work for two people, which is why fewer people are doing it. My hat is permanently off to those parents who cope with it on their own.
Smyley12345 t1_iuhmq90 wrote
So did you end up abandoning your big city movie career and settle down with the home town hunk on the filming location? Develop a love of baking while wearing festive knitwear?
TeeDubb1 t1_iuhn008 wrote
Gilmore Girls. So. Much. Gilmore Girls.
Go_Buds_Go t1_iuhx1y9 wrote
If it brightens her day, why not?
itayfeder t1_iuhyhv0 wrote
Just watched it for the first time. Great show
laopitaipei t1_iuhyrs9 wrote
Husband karma +100
Amationary t1_iui1q3a wrote
Dunno why you were downvoted, a LOT of shit in your body changes during that period of pregnancy. Everything is a bit haywire, and it’s something the husband (or other partner) should come to terms with before they try for a baby (if it’s planned)
Hell, my mother became deathly allergic to some foods after pregnancy, eating some whacky foods and wanting the Christmas tree up is very mild
I_like_to_lurk_ t1_iui2e70 wrote
nothing is left of this guy, all that remains is the wifes thumbprint where his head used to be
ScoobyDerp t1_iui43v0 wrote
Sounds about right.
PopeBasilisk t1_iuib15v wrote
The nightmare before Christmas
LooksAtClouds t1_iuidnnn wrote
That time is long long past for me!
LooksAtClouds t1_iuidq3x wrote
There's such a thing as male pseudo-pregnancy...look it up for next time.
Peace5ells t1_iuie4ma wrote
My wife says the exact same thing. Thanks to anxiety and pregnancy (3 yrs ago), she's only willing to watch about 1-4 new things a year now.
Sandpaper_Pants t1_iuih8nj wrote
I too am sometimes a thrall.
Goinwiththeotherone t1_iuiizbc wrote
Wise man. Then go get her chocolate.
The_Observatory_ t1_iuij86d wrote
Same. My wife binged-watched the series immediately after our daughter was born.
Edit: and now I will have "Let's go to the Mall... Today!" stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
Cloaked42m t1_iuim5xr wrote
It was there for the whole afternoon. Kinda unreasonable to expect it to last that long.
Cloaked42m t1_iuim99r wrote
Smart man.
Cloaked42m t1_iuimdqe wrote
Are you pregnant? Cause if not then you are just Satan.
JWTowsonU t1_iuiq094 wrote
I just had Panda Express for lunch and I feel pregnant.
Cloaked42m t1_iuiqh4u wrote
Izzy1790 t1_iuis9br wrote
I feel personally attacked. My fiancee and I love Christmas and our tree is going up tomorrow and we watch HIMYM to fall asleep at night.
Assholesfullofelbows t1_iuisui8 wrote
That very much sounds like what and the missus used to do.
Killbox-Jones t1_iuitn7x wrote
I love HIMYM. Wanna tag me in? I like Christmas. She can be our wife. Let me know.
[deleted] t1_iuitx27 wrote
amaninseattle t1_iuivurw wrote
howie-stark t1_iuiwloa wrote
Oh, Ted Mosby, The Architect!
Lyrical-Maven t1_iuizli8 wrote
ChanelNo50 t1_iujdst2 wrote
Good job. You're not the "Grinch" this Christmas
honeydip808 t1_iujectb wrote
So she's a puke n rally type of gal?? 😂🤣😂
simple_observer86 t1_iujerjw wrote
We went to a concert (when she wasn’t pregnant) and drank her face off. We are walking back to our car, pukes on the sidewalk outside the venue, stands up and declares her improved feeling and keeps walking like nothing really happened.
So yes?
Also, I’m sure she’d love me posting all her puking stories on the internet
Throwaway_97534 t1_iujhirj wrote
My wife was mowing the lawn a few weeks before our first son was born and wouldn't let me do it because I "wasn't doing it right". She'd literally never mowed before in her life.
Alternative_Ad_182 t1_iuji9iu wrote
This is the way.
Economist-Nervous t1_iujothn wrote
Good man. You know what they say: Happy wife, happy wife.
mikevago t1_iujp3fp wrote
Lin, it's the day after Halloween.
cursedat_birth t1_iujwt5z wrote
That tree looks great!!!!!
puffsmokies t1_iuk25a8 wrote
Well, hadn't thought of that in about 7 years. Now it'll be stuck in my head too. Thanks a lot!
lurq_king t1_iug1e1z wrote
“Yes dear”