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Violated-Tristen t1_iubc9lx wrote

Please tell me the eyes look back and forth when she rolls.


o0_bobbo_0o OP t1_iubcpzs wrote

She manually can move them up and down with a handle we built for em.


Violated-Tristen t1_iubda2u wrote

Awesome. You guys nailed this. Certainly hit my nostalgia bone. Tell me your dressing up and a weenie or some fisherprice figure.


o0_bobbo_0o OP t1_iubdnyf wrote

Hahah I wish! So much time goes into her costume that I put literally zero effort into myself. I’m ok with it! Seeing people excited for her is the best!


Violated-Tristen t1_iubfmv1 wrote

That’s love. Supportive husband. Happy wife. Awww that melts my heart. Have a great Halloween guys.