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scot816 t1_iu1nns2 wrote

Spoiler: It's actually the first string of an illustrious web from the spider that lives in your car...

Edit: *spiders (happy spooktober)


kthulhu666 t1_iu1xs22 wrote

"A web with a thousands weaves begins with a single strand." - Old Tholian Proverb


edcRachel t1_iu1nie6 wrote

Or a plane, or a satellite.

I've been doing long phone exposures and they all have tons of these.


BingeMaster OP t1_iu1ykq0 wrote

No it's definitely a meteor, we were looking up when it happened. It was really bright. We both gasped and looked at each other, then the phone, and couldn't believe when we saw it. Perfectly framed too. That's not cropped at all.


captain_poptart t1_iu1zdt0 wrote

It looks like a meteor. Usually satellites and all that other stuff will show up as a consistent line, not bright in the middle like this. I hope that makes sense. 30 secs is a long exposure time for the galaxy. You’ll notice that you got star trails. I usually stick to 10-15 seconds. Idk what camera you’re using. Sorry I’m rambling


BingeMaster OP t1_iu29ye8 wrote

He was just showing off with his new Samsung phone because when I take pictures with my old phone at night I just get a black screen, lol


captain_poptart t1_iu36urg wrote

Yeh usually you need a lot of iso or a good low light lens to pick up the night sky