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yttikat OP t1_itlkgr8 wrote

The diarrhea is an added bonus, flush the system of toxins. This is sounding more and more promising


DetroitEv t1_itlkoto wrote

I don't get diarrehea cause I don't eat them, I mostly chew or even just a lick does the work. Rub a finger across it's broken skin and then touch your lip for one moment, that will be enough to hurt.


Also, amusing trick at the bar. Rub one against a straw or rim of a friends drink. It's amusing.


yttikat OP t1_itlkvyv wrote

What are you Dr.Eville?!


DetroitEv t1_itll42u wrote

Usually bring them to bar because there is always a tough guy with a few drinks in their belly who thinks they aren't shit and eats it whole, the spends next hour or two dying and crying and puking and going around looking like they're balling their eyes out