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t1_ixyfpgt wrote

Just the truth:

Your outfit needs some work. The anime character has a v-cut with a collar, where as you have a turtleneck. Looks like you need a second necklace and both would need to be longer. The cuffs of sleeves on the character's outfit also appear to be more open and draped down where as the cuffs on your outfit are much tighter as the wrists. Also whatever you're holding up behind you is not a fuzzy white coat.


t1_ixyhd89 wrote

The irony of your reply is that more often than not it's the men idolizing women like OP, that look like the cartoon you posted.

My deepest condolences to you if facts hurt your feelings my friend.


t1_ixyhj9p wrote

I saw a video of a cosplayer demo-ing her Jessica Rabbit cosplay. She used hip and butt pads to up the hip:waist ratio. Thats not necessarily what is happening here, but there are lots of tricks-of-the-trade


t1_ixyhoa1 wrote

More often than not, yes. This time it's you. At least from a complete outsiders perspective. Maybe the cosplay critiques are always this picky. I have no idea to be honest. Not my thing at all. Just saw this in my feed so wanted to come uhhhh, "idolize" OP.


t1_ixyiazh wrote

It was not a critique, it was an observation.

A critique would have been mentioning that I have zero respect for OP after finding she links this to her Instagram, and Instagram to her OnlyFans as I think she's an attention-seeker and I believe she only got into cosplay after not being able to break into modeling, because there's never an over saturation in the market for horny weebs that want to jerk off to their favorite anime characters in real life. A lot of that is conjecture, and kind of mean so I refrained from saying it before.

As for the attention to detail, it should be taken constructively. The "needs some work" was there to show that the costume could use some refinement.


t1_ixyiflc wrote

I can't tell if this is a bot or an OP, just based on the title.


t1_ixyo4a4 wrote

Gosh, that figure is bang on. You could superpose over and she'd be your typical anime woman.


t1_ixyr49t wrote

Wildly amazing. Since all the other characteristics have been covered I will point out that you have the perfect chin and cheek bones for this as well.


t1_ixyu5ve wrote

Did you colour the wig to have that white line as if it's reflecting the light like the anime? That's a level of detail I for some reason did not expect..


t1_ixyuacd wrote

Was OP looking for critiques? There's a saying about giving advice when nobody asked for it. The nitpickyness of these unasked for critiques, in combination of the downvotes of the positive comments here, are just as telling as those drooling over the body.


t1_ixyxt5o wrote

Damn. Bet you're real fun to talk to. Did you consider that maybe OP is just starting out in the hobby? Maybe OP has a shoestring budget but really wanted to cosplay this character.

Stop gatekeeping, pal. It's a good cosplay attempt. At least recognize what OP got right and make constructive suggestions for incremental improvement rather than just trashing their effort.


t1_ixz47vc wrote

Yes, I'm not saying critiques aren't fair game to anything puts out to the public, but OCs critiques come off as very catty. Miniscule details that obviously OP and the rest of the world realize aren't EXACTLY ALIKE but rather a close and easily recognizable representation of the original character. Like I said, maybe all cosplay "observations" are this ridiculous when it comes to pointing out obvious discrepancies, I have no idea. Just didn't come across well from an outsiders perspective, nor do the downvotes on positive comments from all the seemingly jealous people.


t1_ixzal0q wrote

Omg this is so cool!

Honestly main reason why I'm happy is because it's an anime I recognize lol


t1_ixzd7gl wrote

Haven’t looked at the profile. Let me take a insane guess, onlyfans?


t1_ixze34q wrote

Your first comment was a critique, which is fine and true. Not sure why you think it's not since pointing out what needs some work is a critique.

This comment on the other hand is not a critique but an attack on her person and unnecessary.


t1_ixzfnen wrote

Applause, applause!

And congratulations for using a very realistic bra (if any) rather than the smoosh 'em up and out type.


t1_ixzjnis wrote

I mean… they’re right.

It’s just a picture of a pretty woman with a green dress and a wig.

If it’s a genuine attempt at cosplay, it needs work. If it’s just bait for her onlyfans site, it’ll do the job. I’m guessing the latter is more likely.


t1_ixzz7bk wrote

How are you more "anime character" than the actual anime character?


t1_iy07mzi wrote

Don't know what it's from, but you did well!


t1_iy0qpj3 wrote

honestly hotter than the original, i wanna nitpick and say "you need the v-neck collar but... damn girl, you rocked that turtleneck! great stuff!