Submitted by theprophetisaiah t3_z8f6wf in pics
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybbgza wrote
Thanks! Yeah the number 7 represents God to me as in 777. Over the last year I have been a little obsessed with it and put it in all my paintings.
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybbqdz wrote
Yeah 777 represents God to me so I include it in all my paintings
Gravity_Freak t1_iybdzgu wrote
Fab work
hoteffentuna t1_iybe0o0 wrote
Reminds me of Huichol yarn paintings
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybe7zq wrote
I just looked them up and it does kinda look the same
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybe8zu wrote
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybe9gs wrote
Thank you!
hoteffentuna t1_iybf0zb wrote
I was kind of obsessed with them a while back. They all have peyote and magic deer in them. BTW, this is impressive.
SuperMazziveH3r0 t1_iybfgug wrote
So neat!
kslusherplantman t1_iybg6tb wrote
I know this won’t be appreciated in general…
But you have made a painting that makes me think of a DMT trip, good job. I’ve seen the world look almost like this
blanketburrito14 t1_iybgu1w wrote
This is amazing! Great job!
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybgze1 wrote
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybh4py wrote
Lol a lot of people say my art would be a nightmare on an lsd trip but thank you
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybh6s0 wrote
7x5 feet too be exact
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybh7i0 wrote
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybhanh wrote
IndigoLioness t1_iybhikw wrote
This gives me Sesame Street pinball vibes!
bundleofgrundle t1_iybhrcx wrote
Hey, I think you got a little paint on your shirt there. Might wanna get that before it stains.
ChiefQuinby t1_iybinzw wrote
JetskiDonger_ t1_iybip9q wrote
Really great. How long does something like this take you?
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybirxd wrote
Thanks, this one took about 3 days.
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybit4z wrote
Oh thanks I didn’t notice
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybiunw wrote
Lol I get that a lot
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybiv1d wrote
stumblewiggins t1_iybkn1j wrote
Nah fam, that's a psychonaut
swag24 t1_iybow4n wrote
not 7 x 7 feet, sad. :(
just kidding! wonderful painting, I love it!!
xXMr_PorkychopXx t1_iybqw5s wrote
Sick painting but what’s on the bottom of your feet? Or is that just the sock pattern?
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iybra3g wrote
Thanks! Lol yeah just the sock pattern
Starwaverraver t1_iybu55o wrote
I like your jumper
JustifiedMisanthrope t1_iybubvp wrote
You legit are my height 5'6 5'7 Max
Bouncy_Tiramisu t1_iybv1sa wrote
Why do the hands say hands but the feet say shoes? It doesn't really matter but it made me think haha. This is super dope
QueenBaby97 t1_iybvvs6 wrote
Wow I love the style of painting
Gaudens24 t1_iybw088 wrote
Prince was the same way, with the number 7.
desmoderin t1_iyc122y wrote
I'm sorry, but you painted a very big clock. Astronauts have human faces, not clock faces.
talkintater t1_iyc4yyv wrote
Looks like pretty standard astronaut size to me...
VickySprinkles t1_iyc5s7t wrote
This is dope!
Photon_Pharmer t1_iyc62al wrote
I like it.
Hello, goodbye sounds like a PA politician.
j8tao3w0t9i8ro3va t1_iyc7txd wrote
a proportionally appropriate amount of paint on the clothing too. Good effort :D Edit: Forgot to add: Peace!
-Switch-on- t1_iyc8zzi wrote
Send it to r/lsd they will have a look...for a couple of hours. Amazing talent at least in my opinion, good work.
metalshoulder t1_iycazrc wrote
That's a mind-blowing masterpiece. Just incredible. The colours, the whole vibe is spectacular. I love it. Do you sell your stuff?
Vaganhope_UAE t1_iycepxl wrote
You gotta show a little bit of cleavage when doing these. Amazing painting btw, 5/7 I’d buy if I wasn’t poor
Dry_Huckleberry_8693 t1_iycg4re wrote
Nice pic, do you sell it ?
AHeroicBunny t1_iycl06r wrote
What does "Filth" mean in the bottom right
jawngoodman t1_iycmtf6 wrote
Psychonaut Dustin Poirier over here
Excisiondream t1_iycpcqy wrote
Looks dope bro !
JenniferAnniston9021 t1_iycqdjz wrote
Have you seen Radiohead's Hail to the Thief album cover?
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycsksy wrote
Lol thanks!
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycsn5o wrote
That is true yes
[deleted] t1_iycsu4x wrote
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycsw1g wrote
Thanks man, yeah a lot of people say that this is basically lsd art
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycsz7r wrote
Idk man, maybe I’ve been looking at the wrong astronauts
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycsztd wrote
Who’s that?
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iyct1vv wrote
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iyct564 wrote
Yeah my shirt has slowly become my painting palete lol, but thanks!
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iyct95o wrote
Just looked at it, it does have some similarities
[deleted] t1_iycte6g wrote
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iyctexm wrote
Thank you!
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iyctg8c wrote
I am becoming the art
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycth9a wrote
gravitologist t1_iycvi7d wrote
Just try it sometime.
oRedDeadDano t1_iycx2on wrote
Psychedelic Returnal
RoshanMuncher t1_iycx8i1 wrote
Mhmm... I've seen this style before by someone else. I guess they weren't as happy as you with their takes.
chappy0215 t1_iycxtvh wrote
All 7 and we'll watch them fall...
DuffMan4Mayor t1_iycy38l wrote
That sweater looks awesome. Also cool painting.
imightbethewalrus3 t1_iycya7b wrote
3 days? As in, if you started on a Sunday, you'd be done by Wednesday? How?
Magnanimous-1 t1_iycyi0a wrote
Groovy, man. Love it
chappy0215 t1_iycyl1y wrote
Thanks for this reference, this art is really neat
AlexanderTox t1_iycyp8o wrote
This could be a Grateful Dead concert poster
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycywrh wrote
You know, I really don’t know. Whatever word pops in my mind I write.
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycyx81 wrote
[deleted] t1_iycz2bb wrote
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycz40s wrote
Home Alone!
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iycz75u wrote
Lol, sounds like a lot of politicians
Qisfakeyoustupidfuck t1_iyczhx7 wrote
Great work… Portfolio link?
weary_dreamer t1_iyczoll wrote
That. Is. Awesome.
[deleted] t1_iyczrms wrote
NetAdministrative239 t1_iyd018h wrote
amazing work... well done!
iksnizal t1_iyd152p wrote
Seriously. Post it there. Astronaut, purple circles…. Everything about it is fitting.
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iyd1uhz wrote
Thanks! I just did
hello_dreampeach t1_iyd2g7r wrote
Groovy bruv
Photon_Pharmer t1_iyd4bcx wrote
It certainly may sound like their thoughts. But most have silver tongues to go with their silver spoons.
mrlizardwizard t1_iyd8cte wrote
TheStandler t1_iydi9lq wrote
C'est ne pas un pipe.
[deleted] t1_iydmvgx wrote
jdbrown0283 t1_iydn2b7 wrote
Love it! The only thing that could make this even better is if the astronaut was also giving the double thumbs up!
cockknocker1 t1_iydpakp wrote
Narly dude
cockknocker1 t1_iydpd5r wrote
The fifth element…
cockknocker1 t1_iydpjp2 wrote
Can you imagine tripping and then the astronaut walks out of the painting?
The_Janitors_Mop t1_iydt86f wrote
How much you want for it?
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iydtcit wrote
I’ll dm you
Ih8MyBrosWife t1_iydy4rr wrote
Put an Ableton logo on it and try and sell it to them.
noahspurrier t1_iye0mp6 wrote
CO2 filter might need changing.
Garetht t1_iye0r5j wrote
They stand in the way of love and we'll take Fentanyl
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iye1yy7 wrote
I actually get that a lot
theprophetisaiah OP t1_iye211x wrote
Like the music software?
RandomUser-_--__- t1_iye2znu wrote
Optimal_Simple5975 t1_iye8600 wrote
That is awesome and trippy! Love it! Fair play!
talkintater t1_iyeaieq wrote
Didn't mean anything malicious. Just making a joke. The painting is amazing. You are extremely talented. Sorry if it came off as snarky.
ChackaCraft t1_iyf9205 wrote
Love it... will need to now take a hit of acid and experience it
Lozsta t1_iyfa0ub wrote
No worries. Seems 3 people need a /s or they cannot see through their veil of "he's mean".
Puzzleheaded_Time719 t1_iybba5e wrote
Love it, is there a reason behind the numbers?