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aptninja t1_ixqyjub wrote

Why? Scotland and England are huge rivals so it makes sense that they’d be rooting for USA


The_Boris t1_ixr1bwj wrote

Those guys do not look Scottish. And Scottish fans may have an “anyone but England” mantra but it doesn’t stretch to buying clothing. And sorry, but the average Scot wouldn’t wear an American flag top, just wouldn’t happen.


blyan t1_ixtcxin wrote

Well apparently I’m not allowed to post insta links lol but Norwich City posted a pic of Kenny McLean wearing a USA jersey for todays game lol


[deleted] t1_ixtcr8e wrote



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[deleted] t1_ixrbl57 wrote



The_Boris t1_ixrcyhu wrote

It’s a kilt, as I’m sure you know, but what’s even your point here? A Scotsman wearing a kilt is hardly comparable to him wearing an American flag top is it


ChampionshipLow8541 t1_ixrevfy wrote

Yes. In fact, anyone who takes their tartan seriously would not wear a kilt with a nonsense t-shirt.


MrFlow t1_ixr48db wrote

Second guy on the right is wearing a Florida Gators cap....


I_am_the_Jukebox t1_ixrw8yq wrote

I mean...if the goal was to dress up in American attire, then the hat can still legit be part of the costume. It's not like they're hard to get.


kaloonzu t1_ixrq69g wrote

I met a guy in a Green Room in London wearing a Chicago White Sox cap. He was a native Londoner.


CryptOthewasP t1_ixsasw0 wrote

People forget that the Scottish became honorary Italians during the Euros.


MINKIN2 t1_ixt8alz wrote

We're not really huge rivals at all. We just really enjoy taking this piss out of each other. It's what we do.


Funtycuck t1_ixr25c0 wrote

Huge rivals in football? Nah, theres some bad feeling coming from particularly shitty disregard in recent English politics for the Scots but never really encountered the Scottish caring so much outside of when we play each other.

Now the Welsh would likely go to bat for the otherside at least from experience of Welsh rugby fans.
