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MikeyPapapacha t1_j1xwtll wrote

Although I can only see the bottom half of your face, you don’t look old enough to have a step son. Also, be careful around driers.


ClnclyDprsd420 OP t1_j1xzt8a wrote

I'm 35 lol. Why driers???


MikeyPapapacha t1_j1xzwlm wrote

Google stepmom stuck in the drier.

P.S. the years have been a friend to you.


ClnclyDprsd420 OP t1_j1y1ded wrote

Why ty! Also, this is a wholesome post God fucking damn it :/


[deleted] t1_j1y0p20 wrote

Oh no... you've just poisoned her brain.


ABena2t t1_j1y2cc6 wrote

thought the same thing. maybe the upper part of her face looks older. lol