Jtopguitar t1_j296gd9 wrote
Good luck getting down that Joey and Ross…
ruffihWho OP t1_j296jqj wrote
Thanks for the observation, I’ll let the landlord know 👍
grantnel2002 t1_j296pby wrote
That looks…dangerous. 🥶
ruffihWho OP t1_j2974si wrote
Welcome to New York 🤣
Behind_u_ t1_j297ehw wrote
Bet there is interior water damage.
Hoverboard_Hal t1_j29889e wrote
The day after no-nut November?
New_Cupcake5103 t1_j298cg8 wrote
good morning ! may you be blessed with a great day
[deleted] t1_j29ay1r wrote
fallingblue t1_j29b5w1 wrote
“New and improved fire escape, ain’t no fire getting through this bad boy,” slaps fire escape railing
Heliusslayer t1_j29bmii wrote
Is this considered a fire hazard?
ilialexanderson t1_j29cws2 wrote
I'd ice-climb that
-BladeSlasher- t1_j29dl53 wrote
And people laughed at movies like 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow...
rvillaviray t1_j29ed42 wrote
Eerily beautiful
Dependent_Bill8632 t1_j29h238 wrote
“Those icicles have been known to kill!”
Flash635 t1_j29hlti wrote
Do those icicles ever break off and stab people?
LeviTigerPants t1_j29jcfu wrote
“In the United States, about 15 people are killed by icicle-related accidents each year.”
Flash635 t1_j29kkoa wrote
There aren't many places in Australia where you'll see them but I did see them once. I was very nervous walking out that door.
Badeindi t1_j29knap wrote
Ho_Lee_Fuk_20 t1_j29mncj wrote
Bet any Russian general would give that a wide berth!
Dude4848 t1_j29ntie wrote
Ah so this is the less popular ice escape, found in very select areas of NY.
Dizzy-Comparison-694 t1_j29o26x wrote
Then gets impaled by a dislodged icicle
KingoftheGypsies t1_j29zsq9 wrote
Nope, I’ve seen Final Destination before and I ain’t walking nowhere them shits.
Strict_Berry366 t1_j2a06r6 wrote
Imagine if someone has to use the fire exit when in danger.🥲
Cheesetorian t1_j2a14xr wrote
The supe will be right on it I'm sure.
GoatWeasel t1_j2a2zak wrote
I heard the iciclictical varieties are the most venomous down there.
Anthraxious t1_j2ab5fl wrote
I slipped, fell and broke my arm just looking at this picture
ohffs999 t1_j2ac5xi wrote
Just call the ambulance(s) from the start.
Dudephish t1_j2adia9 wrote
It's a Fire Ice-scape.
fallingblue t1_j2agd7l wrote
Lol I really wanted to say that but left it open, unlike the fire escape
Chief-_-Wiggum t1_j2ancd6 wrote
Ice climb training in the city!
[deleted] t1_j2atdpy wrote
[deleted] t1_j2ayko3 wrote
LeviTigerPants t1_j2b0pet wrote
Yeah nah surely you would’ve been up in the mountains then? I so want to get out of this Queensland heat
Poverty_4_Sale t1_j2b49fc wrote
Kevin McCallister is at it again.
Callme_Human t1_j2b8jp1 wrote
I want to see this happen in Winnipeg during the winter! But this is a beautiful shot though, do you know how that much water got there to begin with?
Catsssssssss t1_j2b9uu7 wrote
When I was a kid, I learned that walking under a ladder is bad luck. I get it now.
munama t1_j2bfm03 wrote
Yikes, yikes, murder spikes.
strawberrycamo t1_j2bxgrv wrote
spikes so you can’t climb up, or a successful anti bat system
Nomomommy t1_j2c0fxk wrote
There Will be Flood
skeptibat t1_j2c5j0z wrote
Let's try to see that fire escape now!
aredditornamedolive t1_j2ce2be wrote
yep, in just seven business days in new york
Mallanaga t1_j2cip98 wrote
Better than shooting your eye out…
Flash635 t1_j2cwpai wrote
Perisher. I haven't found the heat in Brisbane too bad this year.
LeviTigerPants t1_j2d8r60 wrote
Most of the year it hasn’t been hot and it’s just been raining, but the past month at least where I am, it’s been hot as
guyfromcleveland t1_j296g6k wrote
I think there is a water leak in that building