sarbraman t1_j2ctkdq wrote
That is gorgeous!
Star-Dust-1981 t1_j2cur18 wrote
Let me know if he ever wants to sell it!
yParticle t1_j2cv92t wrote
Looks like the jewel-encrusted tree of some incomprehensibly wealthy pharaoh.
MAS1313 t1_j2cvb43 wrote
That’s rad
chaosglory626 t1_j2cvi91 wrote
It looks like it should be firing lasers to destroy the moon.
ConstantlySlippery t1_j2cvx58 wrote
Looks like a ‘lite brite’ set made out of old aluminum cans.
Watching_You_Type t1_j2cy5yr wrote
My god, it would be so easy to put together…
ang-p t1_j2cyz4p wrote
Cripes, how does that thing fit together?
Medit8or t1_j2cz55r wrote
Talkative_Twat t1_j2czq9c wrote
I hope no one has ever ran into that tree.
birdsarenotrealtors t1_j2d0ay3 wrote
Oh I thought those things below the tree were... presents...
Nice tree though, very pretty
pandachook t1_j2ddeso wrote
Omg i want it, that's stunning
AffectionateDraw4416 t1_j2de43w wrote
That is absolutely beautiful! Oh my !
Dudephish t1_j2diilu wrote
It looks of great import.
StringerB36 t1_j2dn41s wrote
AugustHenceforth t1_j2do2zt wrote
🎶Cylon night🎶
🎶Holy night🎶
redditrain777 t1_j2drngt wrote
Mexican space laser
Indy_Pendant t1_j2drxrf wrote
Entirely possible. These types of "Christmas trees" are very popular here (Mexico) since we don't have a lot of actual trees in the desert areas.
WinkyTheFrog t1_j2dsc0e wrote
Defending from the Jewish space lasers which activate on hanukah
IneptAdvisor t1_j2dub4w wrote
Doctor Who? Yes. We’ve located another Dalek!
[deleted] t1_j2dy8qk wrote
Underrated comment
imregrettingthis t1_j2dyr4y wrote
Or something you get off the home shopping network for $129 and they throw in some free oven mitts.
neoghaleon55 t1_j2e3jph wrote
Or fall on it… gosh it looks like a safety nightmare around kids.
skeeterbitten t1_j2e4bv7 wrote
Looks like a Moroccan lamp kind of. I like it but it looks large to store.
Kmia55 t1_j2ee8t3 wrote
That tree is nothing short of amazing. I truly love it.
[deleted] t1_j2eli4h wrote
Skellum t1_j2ewdrb wrote
fallingupthehill t1_j2extun wrote
Gorgeous. I would put it on a turntable, and just watch the lights.
AugustHenceforth t1_j2ez4oq wrote
Sorry, I don't know what C1 flair is.
peachpinkjedi t1_j2f6n34 wrote
Extremely cool tree, thanks for sharing!
Trexid t1_j2ct743 wrote