beware_the_noid OP t1_j2d831d wrote
It's done mostly from the tower nowadays, there was also going to be a drone display tonight but high winds unfortunately canceled that idea
[deleted] t1_j2d8tq7 wrote
sdforbda t1_j2d8zd8 wrote
New Zealand.
Playingpokerwithgod t1_j2d93ap wrote
So, how's 2023 going so far?
Momniscient t1_j2da4f3 wrote
Nice pic. Happy New Year!
yanessa t1_j2dfszq wrote
lead the way, Kiwis!
[deleted] t1_j2dg34y wrote
googolplexy t1_j2dh8ct wrote
Happy new years from Oz as well!
HailSkyKing t1_j2diasw wrote
Happy New Year neighbours! Hope 2023 brings you all every happiness. From the West Island.
kspjrthom4444 t1_j2dio7e wrote
Zzzt... radio silence
peerke1963 t1_j2dkauw wrote
Best wishes and a happy new year from the Netherlands🎉
[deleted] t1_j2dnuvb wrote
sumfunynaym t1_j2do06g wrote
That's odd...
9quient t1_j2dpfv8 wrote
Those kiwis always jumping the gun
CannabisBirder420 t1_j2dpm1a wrote
Still sucks
Rare-Thought86 t1_j2ds5mr wrote
Happy new year,new Zealand. Rest of us are still waiting for midnight
[deleted] t1_j2dsv0d wrote
Disco-Stu79 t1_j2dt076 wrote
CHUR! Happy New Year mate.
Jupiter642 t1_j2dtb4r wrote
HELP U *krrrr* sss *high pitched screaming*THEY ARE *beeeeeeeeeeeep* YWHERE *person screams from getting stabbed* PLEASE *beeeepp krrrrrrr* OUR LAST *mauling sounds* *dogs barking* OUT OF HERE *scream* *liquid splashes on mic* RUARRRR QAGLQAGL WUAHHRRR *something bites into mic* *flatlining beep*
C0pyright7 t1_j2du48u wrote
Happy new year !
Crusader-NZ- t1_j2du8sz wrote
4 hours in, pretty quiet so far, which I am happy about.
mr-ultr t1_j2dvfv8 wrote
Happy new year from Poland
16:11 for us currently
redditretard34 t1_j2dw7dl wrote
Happy new year 🎆
TurboGranny t1_j2dy3h0 wrote
New Years already? But you guys aren't on any maps. Do you really exist?
Fluid_Ad_6839 t1_j2dywal wrote
Happy new years. Let's hope nothing bad happens in 2023😊
Nike-6 t1_j2dz4lc wrote
Same from an Aussie!
Nike-6 t1_j2dz8xn wrote
siren from hell sounds
TifCreates t1_j2e08ei wrote
From Nashville,Tennessee "Good on ya'll!" It's morning here on our last day of 2022, but want to say congratulations and best wishes to everyone who has already made it to 2023! 🥂
Puzzleheadedpuzzled t1_j2e1deo wrote
Happy new year mate and everyone around the world. 🥃
die_a_third_death t1_j2e1fzw wrote
Don't jinx
20_Tilki t1_j2e1trk wrote
Happy new year mate :)
Zero2176 t1_j2e2s3t wrote
Happy new years from Japan as well! 新年おめでとうございます!
Wrong-Mixture t1_j2e3xs2 wrote
best wishes to all, may 2023 be the year we all center our chi.
nuclearrwessels t1_j2e49z3 wrote
What day of the week is it over there? Probably a very stupid question, but my brain needs an answer.
SerinaL t1_j2e4tet wrote
Happy new year to,you as well!
catsmagic-3 t1_j2e5g4h wrote
Happy New you to you!
Evening_Future_4515 t1_j2e5ot0 wrote
I went to NZ in 1997. What about amazing country!!
PrEsideNtIal_Seal t1_j2e5sfr wrote
Stupid wind...
PrEsideNtIal_Seal t1_j2e60ro wrote
Sunday January 1 2023. Why would it be a different day of the week? The International date line isn't a time machine 🤣
Heron-Repulsive t1_j2e6eha wrote
back at ya
Estelmayer t1_j2e6suh wrote
Should’ve put the spoiler blurr over it.
Radiant-Arm2024 t1_j2e72ii wrote
Spoiler alert
nuclearrwessels t1_j2e72ny wrote
I thought so but I just I couldn’t comprehend it D:
FradonRecords t1_j2e7xis wrote
On behalf of everyone who isn't in 2023 yet, has anything exciting happened?
Zoshchenko t1_j2e86m8 wrote
You sure love your needless apostrophes, don’t you?
vancityvic t1_j2e8it5 wrote
Wth I’m in line ordering breakfast in 2022 still, y’all need to chill out
DavidS1268 t1_j2e96m9 wrote
I thought time travel was impossible.
skredditt t1_j2e9lkb wrote
[deleted] t1_j2eagis wrote
smaartypants t1_j2eb4y2 wrote
Happy new year from Florida, USA
AccomplishedKoala445 t1_j2ec6vz wrote
Considering the past years, it'll be "bring it on, 2023"
MrSpankMan_whip t1_j2ecc5v wrote
As a kiwi, I've been asking myself the same thing
[deleted] t1_j2eck59 wrote
Designer-Sell-4852 t1_j2eenr6 wrote
Happy new year all
Logic_rocks t1_j2eephe wrote
Hey! Tell us what happens in the future!?
[deleted] t1_j2ees1z wrote
Affectionate-Invite6 t1_j2eg8rq wrote
So the ball dropping is pre recorded What?! My life has been a lie all along
naegelbagel t1_j2egpqf wrote
How’s the future? Did WW3 start yet?
Sketch99 t1_j2eherv wrote
Beautiful country and probably one of the best accents overall, happy New Year!
[deleted] t1_j2eibst wrote
Strangeronthebus2019 t1_j2eivrb wrote
The_Mick_thinks t1_j2ejzjz wrote
I spent a New Years In Gisborne at a music festival many years ago. Watched the first sunrise in the world in 2023 from one of the furthest points east you can be
Xtasy0178 t1_j2ekpe8 wrote
As you Kiwis are already in 2023, is there Covid?
[deleted] t1_j2eme1d wrote
[deleted] t1_j2emgwr wrote
MillionGamer t1_j2emp1t wrote
Bonne nouvelle année du Canada, Ottawa! Oceanie et Asie!
Happy new year from Canada, Ottawa! Oceania and Asia!
[deleted] t1_j2en96f wrote
SunshineBurn t1_j2epbpb wrote
Now I know what to look forward to. Happy new year to you as well from Utah, USA
sumdumguy1966 t1_j2ewjbd wrote
Happy kiwi new year;)
avgguy33 t1_j2ewov1 wrote
Sorry they stole your gun right. Happy new year
abuko1234 t1_j2excpi wrote
Dude, no spoilers.
bleeblorb t1_j2ey9u9 wrote
Happy New Year, Kiwis!
otherkerry t1_j2eyhi7 wrote
Good. I’m going to bed.
AggressivePayment0 t1_j2ezd4a wrote
Happy New Year to our Aussie and Kiwi friends
Canada and US
jazzertag t1_j2f16at wrote
Nah that would be the americans
Butter_conch t1_j2f2dsh wrote
Happy new year!
nzdennis t1_j2f2k8g wrote
Great pic
nzdennis t1_j2f2oxd wrote
No! 😂 Don't mention the 'C' word!
HearTheTrumpets t1_j2f2pd7 wrote
Dont say that, you will jinx the rest of the planet.
bw3-20chlndu t1_j2f35e1 wrote
happy new year🎉🎊🎇🎆
Baalor99 t1_j2f40ut wrote
Happy new year. I wish you all peace love health and happiness. My wish for 2023 is that people get back to love, understanding and to things that unite us all as human beings.
bigmandave2x2 t1_j2f5en8 wrote
I like the NZ gun laws.
Strong_Coffee8417 t1_j2f5t5g wrote
Happy New Year from the North of England 🏴 3.5 hrs to go for us... 🎉
petit_cochon t1_j2f7gyo wrote
Crusader-NZ- t1_j2fa9f6 wrote
10 hours in now, still pretty quiet. Really should go to sleep though...
Deprespacito t1_j2fbtms wrote
I wish I didn't
t4nd4r t1_j2fccfy wrote
More Bluey please
beware_the_noid OP t1_j2fedt2 wrote
Hurry up lol I'm already slogging my way through work 🥲
rachstee t1_j2fexc0 wrote
So far it's a bit headachey. Likely to do with alcohol consumed rather than the state of things
beware_the_noid OP t1_j2fexe0 wrote
We never had nor should have the right to own guns, but Happy New year to you.
beware_the_noid OP t1_j2ff9mw wrote
I agree, much better than the Aussies, I mean every time those plebs say 6 they pronounce it as sex,
It's cringe I tell ya. Happy New year tho!
Yoshikkkj t1_j2fg6zh wrote
Happy new year that in 2023 you prosper a lot and realize your goals and dreams
Strong_Coffee8417 t1_j2fh48p wrote
Working on NYD?
kinsmana t1_j2fhd9f wrote
Since you're in the future, Can you look up who wins the Carolina at Tampa Bay NFL game? I'm putting in my sports betting picks and have no idea who wins this one. I'll share the profits - next year.
beware_the_noid OP t1_j2fhf19 wrote
Yeah idk if it's the same for you but in NZ the 1st and 2nd of Jan are both public holidays, so time and a half.
Makes today a little bit more bearable.
Rainbowsixer21 t1_j2fhxgf wrote
Stil need a hour
paddy1948 t1_j2fi56q wrote
Greetings from Canada!
Strong_Coffee8417 t1_j2fift8 wrote
Yeah pretty much the same depending on what sector one works in. I'm salaried in manufacturing so my first day back is the 3rd. Hope your shift goes well mate... 🎉
Jcod47 t1_j2fnf3o wrote
Still in 2022 here mate
peerke1963 t1_j2fnqsu wrote
16 minutes to go😉
edsavage404 t1_j2fpqx4 wrote
beware_the_noid OP t1_j2fqltu wrote
Informal demonym for someone from New Zealand
Due to the famous native kiwi
A_Do-Er t1_j2frj2r wrote
Kiwis, hope those feuits and birds are having a nice time in 2023
jpow5734 t1_j2frpze wrote
It can’t get any worse than it already is can it… can it?!
Zeohawk t1_j2ft6g7 wrote
Oh shit is it finally zombie apocalypse time
Zeohawk t1_j2ft9ge wrote
Fruit supremacy 🥝
edsavage404 t1_j2fuevf wrote
Oh okay I was thinking of the fruit lol, Happy New year's
BigBlueMountainStar t1_j2d7jlq wrote
Nice. I was there for New Years in 2010/2011, they had very few fireworks from the tower, it was mostly down at the docks but no one told us that and we stood watching the tower and missed a lot of the main display! Happy 2023 to all our Kiwi friends