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skoomski t1_j235185 wrote

It’s literally the only purpose of his Reddit account. It’s in his description


tfarsch t1_j2361el wrote

It’s still super cringe. You mean people living in San Fran, one of the most liberal cities in the US, are mad that Twitter isn’t run by hyper liberals anymore?!? I’m shocked. Like what activism do they think they’re accomplishing besides fake internet points on Reddit?


skoomski t1_j236ap7 wrote

Being so focused on one thing is almost never healthy


tfarsch t1_j237tci wrote

Especially when you delude yourself into thinking you’re an “activist”. You’re not an activist, you’re a crybaby that’s mad Elon took your echo chamber away.


meapie t1_j238bk8 wrote



tfarsch t1_j238og1 wrote

OP is definitely butthurt I agree.


meapie t1_j239fgg wrote

No u


tfarsch t1_j239ha9 wrote

No u