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Huffle-buff t1_j1ufb91 wrote

As your fellow Egyptian, I'm sorry about this. The idea of your family and neighbours treating you so horribly for abandoning islam rings true. But I don't think the government would try and arrest you. And I say this an a non muslim. Your stories of persecution by the government itself seem false. And I would please like to advise you to be careful about who you might indirectly be harming by adding even a small amount of error in your story.

And again, I really don't mean to be rude. I myself I'm trying to escape Egypt. But the way you make seem as if the government itself arrests the non religious due to specific laws is something I as an Egyptian have never heard of. I would be happy if you could provide some sort of proof of apostacy being illegal in Egypt, but I doubt that you will find any specific written law. False or exaggerated statements like these might hurt the image of the country even further, which will affect our tourism industry and make things worse for everyone who hasn't been lucky enough to escape yet.