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Sea_Ganache620 t1_j6e0mdq wrote

Reply to comment by jasonlitka in This Sashimi platter by PhillyPhresh

Unfortunately this was a reputable establishment, but yes, I agree with you.


thehotdogman t1_j6e3y4q wrote

So one thing I learned is that some sushi places will substitute things like white tuna with a fish that will give you awful diarrhea called Escolar. I've steered clear of white fish based sushi ever since.


TreesACrowd t1_j6fnc0d wrote

Escolar is incredibly tasty and you have to eat a fairly large portion of it to experience ill effects. Most restaurants proudly label it as exactly what it is, and people like me happily order it. Don't eat a steak-size portion and you'll be fine.


Sea_Ganache620 t1_j6e5auy wrote

The food poisoning illness was awful, but the explosive diarrhea, and projectile vomiting of wasabi out of my nose… that was real bad.


GlacialElectronics t1_j6fx1g1 wrote

Escolar is fine for you, just dont go eating an entire plate of it. Its often included in my favorite combo meal and is just 4 pieces, you wont have any issues with that.

Its pretty obvious when its escolar once your use to what it looks like.