Wickebein t1_j6kl5jv wrote
I’m in urgent need of a sudden cough
alforddm t1_j6klnqc wrote
I mean, yeah you'll stop coughing. Take enough, and you'll stop breathing too, but you won't be coughing.
jpbay t1_j6km485 wrote
One night indeed! Because you won’t wake up tomorrow.
The-Brit t1_j6kn8l9 wrote
Drinking enough water will also kill you.
Enough-Commission165 t1_j6kncjv wrote
Going need some chips to go with my cough medicine
sweetwheels t1_j6ko9db wrote
I always wondered why fainting was so prevalent in the old days.
thirdeyefish t1_j6koak2 wrote
This is also back in the days when someone with no medical knowledge could, I don't know, sell antifreeze labeled as cough syrup and kill a bunch of people.
Who_reads_these t1_j6kot21 wrote
Did Heinz make it??
Alpacalypse84 t1_j6kpxpq wrote
You can’t cough if you’re in a coma.
yoshimi1986 t1_j6kq0xe wrote
"Skillfully combined with a number of other ingredients"
Exactly what I want to hear before I take a drug lol
Alpacalypse84 t1_j6kq6m5 wrote
A bit of heroin for the cough, laudanum to help you sleep, some nice arsenic wafers to improve your complexion… good well researched and safe medicine.
brandonh837 t1_j6krqc6 wrote
Lodnum has heroin in it. And they still make it like that.
TimeTravelMishap t1_j6krxt3 wrote
Water? Hitler loved that shit.
brandonh837 t1_j6ksaa7 wrote
I just made a comment about laudanum then scrolled down and seen this.
Jacaxagain t1_j6ksiki wrote
I would be sick more than usual
Alpacalypse84 t1_j6ksk0g wrote
Opium dissolved in alcohol- just what the doctor ordered.
brandonh837 t1_j6kswsw wrote
The old time medicines worked better.
[deleted] t1_j6ksxqr wrote
running_on_empty t1_j6ky2z8 wrote
Never touched the stuff. Fish shit in it.
thasnazgul t1_j6ky5v8 wrote
They still make it. And the best part is you don't need a prescription or a doctor! I got mine from a doctor, though. Dr. Acula, he was a phlebotomist.
tradesman46 t1_j6kz8na wrote
Like from the toilet?
thatweirdassdude t1_j6l0p6c wrote
oh no what’s jamming to me- coughs in 1900’s
The-Brit t1_j6l0xt3 wrote
estein72 t1_j6l1leo wrote
Fucking chloroform 😂😂😂. “Excuse me but does this smell like chloroform to you?”
larrycorser t1_j6l2k36 wrote
This is why people say go back to the good ole days. Drugs were plentiful and you only lived to 50
math_debates t1_j6l4dk0 wrote
Oral chloroform? I'll pass
omiwamoshinderu t1_j6l5nde wrote
The DEA ruined everything
muchomojotx t1_j6l65y0 wrote
That would be a fun evening
nobloodforstargates t1_j6l744a wrote
“There’s ghosts in your blood, you should do cocaine about it”
BartVanHouten t1_j6l9uz3 wrote
Has anyone tried this? NileRed?
elTorodelNorte t1_j6la8wo wrote
Needs more Morphine Sulfate
HytBHyde t1_j6lb5bs wrote
“Does this handkerchief smell funny to you?”
farkos101100 t1_j6lb94q wrote
“One Night” because thats all youre gonna survive
gomaith10 t1_j6lcquw wrote
'May contain Nuts'.
dmrukifellth t1_j6lcsbn wrote
At least it’s less than 1% alcohol. Don’t wanna overdo it.
GladCareer315 t1_j6ld7ks wrote
Bruh I say this shit all the time and laugh my ass off and no one ever knows wtf I’m talking about😭
Gandamack t1_j6ld81k wrote
We’re not going to tell you what else is in it, we just wanted you to know how good we are at mixing chemicals together.
pfatbetty t1_j6ldc32 wrote
Last time I had some of this I woke up 3 states over.
meat_thistle t1_j6ldehd wrote
I’d be in the “getting better” stage for the rest of my life.
Losers_Agenda t1_j6ldnt0 wrote
Holy shit! What a time to be alive.
coloa t1_j6lepcq wrote
No cocain?
suicidefeburary62025 t1_j6lgwig wrote
Bet it worked….
delirio91 t1_j6lgy64 wrote
As long as it's a higher success rate than the fentanyl mixes were getting these days..
Aids4Days t1_j6lh0q0 wrote
Lean used to be crazy.
LarYungmann t1_j6lh4ox wrote
I grew up taking Cheracol-D With/Codeine for sore throats and colds. Had to sign for it at the druggist.
Half of a teaspoon would put me out for the night.
DrManhattan_DDM t1_j6lhnr7 wrote
Between the morphine and the chloroform you may not be conscious enough to get the munchies.
wmorris33026 t1_j6lhszv wrote
I think I saw that in a Tijuana pharmacia…
UncleBenji t1_j6lizdm wrote
These days it’s normally to mix your weed and alcohol and the weed is more powerful.
sagitta_luminus t1_j6lj4mw wrote
Ah yes, the nighttime sniffling/sneezing/coughing/aching/WHAT FUCKING YEAR IS IT medicine
Blue_Lust t1_j6lkhq3 wrote
I got ghosts in my blood all of the sudden Doctor. 🤷🏼♂️
unforgivablecrust t1_j6lkxa9 wrote
Bill Cosby makes a hell of a cough medicine
Luminox t1_j6lm02a wrote
Now THATS medicine!
Enough-Commission165 t1_j6lm0fq wrote
That's true
not-always-popular t1_j6lmd8e wrote
Cough cough, please sir, may I have another?
zakcattack t1_j6lnf0m wrote
One Night...and only one night.
Marginal_Eden t1_j6lnuul wrote
No cocaine?
Barrrrrrnd t1_j6lo1wv wrote
Sounds like a tagline for the old pressy ecstasy pills in the 90s.
newuserwhodisssss t1_j6lq8xu wrote
It’s the chloroform that’ll get ya.
desoliela t1_j6lqp0f wrote
That was in the daytime formula.
LakeButter t1_j6lqs45 wrote
I’d take that if I had a headache
desoliela t1_j6lqsr0 wrote
I feel like the morphine and chloroform are the more active ingredients here.
justintime_K t1_j6lr133 wrote
Hands Rohypnol it's beer...
Hugh_Jasoul t1_j6lr7gp wrote
C'mon is that real? Sa-sa-sizzzzyurp. *directions: consume every 45 mineutes. To be added for durty sprite
[deleted] t1_j6lr88d wrote
Dickpuncher_Dan t1_j6lrgys wrote
What unit is m? Two meters of morphine? Yes please!
Tastins t1_j6lscdr wrote
I’m dealing with the a BAD case of bronchitis right now and I would sell my left tit and half the right one for a big old tablespoon of this right now.
Pitvypyr t1_j6lt3q7 wrote
Jeez, I overdosed just while reading it.
ToasterInFork t1_j6lteyw wrote
One night left cough syrup
stu8018 t1_j6lx2y4 wrote
Which is why we have the FDA now.
DryEyes4096 t1_j6lxlzo wrote
I found out that Hitler took not just meth but was fond of cocaine and heroin for a period too, in addition to water.
Don't let world leaders get completely high as fuck on drugs that make you feel like God.
SallysRocks t1_j6lxmyy wrote
That's skill.
Melkath t1_j6lxo66 wrote
Feel ill?
Take a swig of this shit and fight for your life for a year or 2.
smrtstn t1_j6lzla3 wrote
probably ml would be my guess
slightlyassholic t1_j6m332m wrote
It doesn't stop the coughing, it just makes you not mind it quite so much.
Mean_Gene66 t1_j6m4h00 wrote
So this is "the good ol' days" granddad was talking about?
MojordomosEUW t1_j6m5k23 wrote
Well most people don‘t know the brand of hairspray their dealer used on their weed to make it weigh more, or how much rat poison is in their coke or funny pills.
i‘d rather drink that stuff
nzdennis t1_j6m6pyv wrote
Cousin Tito's Tincture 😂
Explorer335 t1_j6m79uu wrote
That would be pretty grand if they just removed the carcinogenic/hepatotoxic chloroform from it.
Iateyourpaintings t1_j6m86so wrote
I prefer the daytime formula with cocaine in it.
tomsaiyuk t1_j6m895j wrote
But it was "Skillfully Combined" so nothing to worry about.
theBaron01 t1_j6m8xp9 wrote
Does absolutely nothing for the cough, but you'll sleep right through it!
Upvotespoodles t1_j6m9fb1 wrote
Natural flavors.
pow3llmorgan t1_j6maw69 wrote
Don't forget the radium-infused eye cream
baldriansen t1_j6mbxk4 wrote
"And some clitoris stimulation"
Fun times to be a doctor.
prison_buttcheeks t1_j6mcj0k wrote
Hey, I got some snake oil if you are interested
Handsome_Claptrap t1_j6md6vd wrote
Unexpected Salvini
alamaias t1_j6md91s wrote
Don't worry though, they only use the minimum of alcohol.
Handsome_Claptrap t1_j6mde7y wrote
We actually still use opioids for strong cough
GreatsquareofPegasus t1_j6mdugm wrote
"One Night" because that's the last night you'll need ANYTHING ever again.
Gotnoflavor t1_j6mdy4r wrote
What a sleep!
[deleted] t1_j6mgj0a wrote
Flashjordan69 t1_j6mis0y wrote
I’d buy that for a dollar!
downbound t1_j6mle37 wrote
Yeah but you have to drink it pretty fast
Igottamake t1_j6mliz6 wrote
Good call.
Slawik1995 t1_j6mm36z wrote
There use to be "FUN" in Medicine
pop013 t1_j6mn4xd wrote
Smoke 1-2 dry datura leaves with some tobacco or weed...heh
Boil water, add 2 tbsp of thyme in 2dl of water, let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Filter it and mix with 100-200g of honey when water has cooled down. Eat every morning, 2 tea spoons of syrup.
Its not miracle cure but it helps.
elpajaroquemamais t1_j6mnj6d wrote
Yes they do you just need a prescription
added_chaos t1_j6mqyr2 wrote
“One Night, cause you won’t have a second”
Bleu_Cerise t1_j6ms8cm wrote
“Skillfully combined”. I already feel better.
oced2001 t1_j6mt6fq wrote
At least it has less than 1% alcohol. I'd hate to get a buzz.
badgerj t1_j6mufqg wrote
Does this cough syrup smell like chloroform to you? Well does it? - We are one step away from Uncle Touchy’s Naked Puzzle Basement! -Patton Oswalt
curkington t1_j6muivj wrote
Northman67 t1_j6mujwa wrote
Is this a good time to talk about the evils of government overreach like forcing corporations to accurately label their products?
Mario-OrganHarvester t1_j6mv4nh wrote
Like snake oil
mockingbird13 t1_j6mvjn4 wrote
"One hell of a Night Cough Syrup"
Umm_khakis t1_j6mw11l wrote
Water, like from a toilet?
Umm_khakis t1_j6mw2cw wrote
Crap you beat me to it
Sonakstyle t1_j6mw9os wrote
Maybe my kid will Sleep then
The-Brit t1_j6mxdxb wrote
sweezsway t1_j6mxrmo wrote
Ngl I've never had any thing like that , except one time dude tried to give me a sack full of moldy bud lol .
sweezsway t1_j6mxudp wrote
What does this call back to ?
sweezsway t1_j6my5ja wrote
What's funny as shyte is the fact that I was watching a knife expo once n the guy used some shtuff he called "snake oil" and it made his blades sharp as phck after applying before sharpening it . Like the blades just ran through paper like nothing lol .
sweezsway t1_j6myogk wrote
I heard that ol' Pol Pot drank it at every meal , and again at bedtime lol
Kimchi-slap t1_j6myxuy wrote
With mercury and chalk.
Don't forget the red flannel for extra kick.
[deleted] t1_j6n0lr1 wrote
Dull-Fisherman-9371 t1_j6n4qxt wrote
Does this napkin smell like chloroform?
Tastins t1_j6n55gq wrote
Honey is a cough suppressant. I need an expectorant. Half of New York is sick right now. I can barely find Kleenex. And SMOKING anything is going to irritate my lungs. This is not good medical advice my friend lol but thank you.
MojordomosEUW t1_j6ndmqt wrote
it‘s not like they would advertise it, but it is common practice…
cyrusm t1_j6nep2k wrote
Oh good. I'm a prohibitionist.
thomasjs t1_j6nfbba wrote
That would be Female hysteria.
RARA64HUNNID t1_j6njt1n wrote
now that’s O.G. LEAN
Elguapo515 t1_j6nkdpj wrote
That’s the wrong napkin, smells like jizz.
ColonelSandurz42 t1_j6nlz5b wrote
rtoyraven t1_j6no8l6 wrote
No coke? Weaksauce...
[deleted] t1_j6nomxy wrote
nostalgiapathy t1_j6np17m wrote
Not fair. I wants it.
deepsea333 t1_j6npvj9 wrote
Has this been debunked before?
FlightAble2654 t1_j6nvdc9 wrote
Hook me up!
LastTxPrez t1_j6nvth0 wrote
Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.
nirehtylsotstniop t1_j6nwnct wrote
I knew he took those drugs but have never seen this video, incredibly interesting... he's totally strung out.
PMme_Your_Smut t1_j6nwqrc wrote
Remind me to never buy drugs in the EUW
Bluemechanic t1_j6nyqs4 wrote
It will stop you from coughing. It will stop you from doing a lot of things for a good few hours.
Shakleford_Rusty t1_j6o5nij wrote
No shit, that is such a low dosage..
dameon5 t1_j6oi7iz wrote
We've just replaced the word that comes before "Oil".
It used to be called Snake Oil.
Now we call it. Essential Oil
Tyrosine_Lannister t1_j6omq8m wrote
Fun facts:
Snake oil actually works.
It's long been used in traditional Chinese medicine and gained popularity among miners and railroad workers back in the old West, where there were very few common dietary sources of essential fatty acids like EPA/DHA and vitamin E.
You need these nutrients for things like healing wounds, fighting infections, and making the body's natural anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant compounds.
The trouble—and the modern meaning of "snake oil"—arose when shysters came along selling mineral oil, which does nothing, as snake oil.
SteelerJoe t1_j6opgmd wrote
I think they re-branded this as NyQuil. Chloroform, morphine and pot. I bet you passed out in about 15 seconds. It didn’t Take care of your cough but you were unconscious the whole time!
HogfishMaximus t1_j6oqv6a wrote
That’s not medication, that’s a big time party
cy13erpunk t1_j6ouet1 wrote
no cocaine? =[
deenali t1_j6p01nr wrote
Guess you should not be driving after taking it.
mrsnow432 t1_j6p8eqx wrote
Considering we have nothing that currently works to relieve coughing if it is bad for real. Not even the opiates like ethylmorphine work at all and those are given to treat coughing today.
Perhaps it worked like a charm? Doubt it was much more dangerous.
lizziegal79 t1_j6p8f6n wrote
Bet they slept like a baby though!
Dr-Retz t1_j6p8twp wrote
Could you imagine the sales bottom line now.Wealthiest company in history.
ketaminekid t1_j6pbux6 wrote
Smoke datura leaves? She said she has bronchitis, not a deep yearning to hangout with the hat man
Ok-Mammoth1143 t1_j6pjmux wrote
Shit you take that
All you’ll have is one night
tradesman46 t1_j6kkudx wrote
Ones that create an addiction? uh ok