Recent comments in /f/pics
MyLadyBits t1_jegrxr8 wrote
Reply to comment by DidYouSetItTo-Wumbo in How Midwestern/southerners mark the beginning of spring. by atomicanchovy
You don’t want to see a tornado.
[deleted] t1_jegrvu8 wrote
Reply to My SO do this for some reason. by Xcavor
MyLadyBits t1_jegrvsy wrote
Reply to comment by smackaroni-n-cheese in How Midwestern/southerners mark the beginning of spring. by atomicanchovy
When there is a tornado warning.
altgrave t1_jegrq8w wrote
Reply to My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
i didn't know i wanted to see that.
Nelysminho OP t1_jegroq0 wrote
Reply to comment by MabsAMabbin in My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
Thank you so much!🖤
Bending_toast t1_jegropz wrote
Reply to comment by marioquartz in Just your average Spanish supermarket by LeobenCharlie
Nice! Thanks for answering
Hagenaar t1_jegrisc wrote
Reply to comment by legendoflink3 in My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
> people
Who just happen to be 2.5 percent various metals, by weight.
marioquartz t1_jegrgj1 wrote
Reply to comment by Bending_toast in Just your average Spanish supermarket by LeobenCharlie
If you dont cut it, and you left in a normal temperature can last 90 days. Once you cut it the outer layer no more than 15 days.
Clunkyboots22 t1_jegrg0f wrote
Reply to comment by Glanwy in Just your average Spanish supermarket by LeobenCharlie
Lots of bars as well… hams in the world. Nobody does ham better than the Spaniards.
Soft_Explorer9300 t1_jegrb42 wrote
Reply to Making hot dogs in the hotel room by TugaxZuca
You can alternatively boil water in the kettle and use a thermal insulated mug to cook your hot dogs in. That way you aren’t leaving hot dog residue in the tea kettle.
marioquartz t1_jegqyj4 wrote
Reply to comment by SocksOnHands in Just your average Spanish supermarket by LeobenCharlie
Normal temperature. The brown part is literally fat. You cut the fat and you use it as a cover. Its cut with a especial knife in thin layers. If you dont know how use that knife is very dangerous. For people that dont know or dont want visit a surgeon exists the option of pre-cut envelopes. That are conserved in a fridge.
Mclovin4Life t1_jegqtye wrote
Reply to comment by eternalankh in My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
You’re dumb. That’s literally what you’re saying with this current post. Since she had OF she can’t do cosplay without it being an ad
Alternative-Light514 t1_jegqrq9 wrote
Reply to I was going through some old family photos and came across this Christmas card. by Harmless_Citizen
Your family had a chimp? What’s Skipper’s story?
Immediate_Reality357 t1_jegqq54 wrote
Reply to I made this with my hands by Antsculpt
Me looking at my kid...
" I made this with my dick "
Fyi I don't have any kids lol
_Houston_Curmudgeon t1_jegqp8p wrote
Reply to comment by Savageparrot81 in Just your average Spanish supermarket by LeobenCharlie
klousGT t1_jegql26 wrote
Reply to comment by lovdark in My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
Magneto wouldn't be abad guy if he would just go to therapy for his unresolved trauma.
bitchboi987 t1_jegqdwu wrote
Reply to Awesome-O at Megacon Orlando by Next_Grass
Was that a.... pleasure model?
planetheck t1_jegqb7c wrote
Reply to My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
BigSuhn t1_jegq6j2 wrote
Reply to comment by Nelysminho in My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
Nice! Keep up the hard work! 👍
Nelysminho OP t1_jegq0tj wrote
Reply to comment by BigSuhn in My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
Thanks 🖤✨ I made the armor myself with evafoam
Mouler t1_jegpzar wrote
Reply to My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
One of the times I feel an -ette would work. Magnette just doesn't fit the look though. I suggest Electro
eternalankh t1_jegpuj5 wrote
Reply to comment by Nelysminho in My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
Yeah, I definitely don't believe you.
That said, the cosplay seems pretty high quality, and my opinions should not affect or discourage whatever you decide to do.
Nelysminho OP t1_jegpsbn wrote
Reply to comment by 2FANeedsRecoveryMode in My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
Ok and?
TartanGuppy t1_jegpr2j wrote
Reply to Just a happy little cactus 🌵 by chriszens
I'm just glad it was pleased to see me
AlienAmerican1 t1_jegrznh wrote
Reply to Parents of LGBT children at the first Pride Parade, 1973 by Heretostay59
That's an odd thing to be proud of, like it's not an achievement. Like "ooo, I worked all my life to be gay" or anything like that. I have a hard time believing that these 50 - 60 year old men are bragging at work, "Hey Bill, you know my kid graduated from Harvard, first in his class, now he's interning over at, and oh hey, he really loves cock"