Submitted by SeriouslyIamOk t3_11a3h0r
Submitted by D-raild t3_zxgeou
Submitted by CorvidConspirator t3_z6xxcd
Submitted by Gettingolderalready t3_z8lklm
Submitted by DarkGreen- t3_yat1ie
Submitted by swizchaksih74 t3_yeywam
Submitted by Cherryurl t3_yilc4m
Submitted by PewPewAnimeGirl t3_11dnon1
Submitted by dz1087 t3_1141zdn
Submitted by 13thban t3_10oms6m
Submitted by slimshady1225 t3_yiosyf
Submitted by laclair1000000 t3_yim1nj
Submitted by hezelm t3_yh2wrg
Submitted by rudbri93 t3_ygx67g
Submitted by johngrady77 t3_1274usj
Submitted by LeobenCharlie t3_127vkw5
Submitted by rabbi-reefer t3_11cqx8r
Submitted by drak0bsidian t3_11df0sf
Submitted by [deleted] t3_10o2snl
Submitted by canadianartfart t3_10pmdvt
Favorite day of the week. Wife gets homemade Uncrustables. I get crusts with a little but of PB&J.
Submitted by DejaJew t3_10pee0m
Submitted by wasabinski t3_zy8dpd
Submitted by psilocin72 t3_z7ay2d
Submitted by LegoRob1n t3_ygoehf
Submitted by bubblebuttbella t3_126ljb2