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New_Acanthaceae709 t1_j6wsb6d wrote

I tend to look at it as a split; if the shop has extra space left, and tables, having half the tables full convinces walk-by traffic it's a good spot, and they do *more* business. If you see an empty service industry business, it's sketch, but one that's regularly healthily full? Game *on*.

If every last table is always full with people working, it's a disaster, because even regular customers will just walk by without buying anything. I've stopped going to one or two spots to drink coffee because I can't get a seat, and everyone's on a fucking laptop using it as a personal office.

If the shop's full don't camp there. If the shop is not full, it's an everyone-wins setup.


Gladhands t1_j6wtws2 wrote

They probably won’t do enough business to justify wages.