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vincent_wigglesworth t1_ja7r2ug wrote

Wow, excuse me, the natural history museum is RIGHT THERE


FreeCashFlow t1_ja80hft wrote

I love that museum. Was just there yesterday. But even I will admit some of the exhibits are feeling a little tired. I wish they would rotate and update them a bit more often. I get it's tough to do when so many of the exhibits are essentially permanent.


vincent_wigglesworth t1_ja89zag wrote

lol, it's true, we're doing our best tho! Check back in mid-April and we'll have a sweet new bug exhibit on the 3rd floor. Simmons gallery rotates every ~4 months and the first floor kids' area is getting updated this spring as well.

The birds hall is a little faded, sure, but where would we be without the corpses of Tweety and Toucan Sam?


vonHindenburg t1_ja95544 wrote

I love the bird hall. Never let it change. There's little interpretation, little explanation, but just a wonderful showcase of the old naturalist's joy at simply collecting things.


FreeCashFlow t1_ja8u5z5 wrote

Haha I legit love the bird hall. And my kids are fascinated by the "Section of Mystery." Can I ask if the archeology sand digging pit will reopen soon? My poor son cried when we went and it was closed.


bryguypgh t1_ja8tse4 wrote

I heard they're revamping the digging area? That's been my kid's favorite for years and I'm sure he's not alone. It's a bummer to go there when it isn't open.


Watchyousuffer t1_ja90l4a wrote

bugs sound great, I'll be sure to check it out! I love all of the old taxidermies and dioramas


da_london_09 OP t1_ja85zq8 wrote

Last time I was there they still had Russia labeled as the USSR on their display.


Sybertron t1_ja99fh8 wrote

and just my 2 cents but they used to do much more events. Now it seems they just wanna cash in on the kiddos.


m0nkeybl1tz t1_ja887rz wrote

Yeah, reading the title I was like Natural Hostory Museum and Mattress Factory, right?