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FuzzPunkMutt t1_ja7mp7z wrote

The Children's Museum and the Heinz History Museum.

I do like both of them. I'll admit that I just haven't been to many children's museums, so I can't comment as to the accuracy of the report, but regardless of how they stack up nationally I think most the museums here in Pittsburgh are pretty great.


drunkenviking t1_ja7o7ub wrote

The Heinz History Center really is fantastic. I haven't been there in years but every time I go there there's always more to see. It's one of those places where you could see everything in a day, a week, or a lifetime.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_ja7plfe wrote

I'm surprised the Children's Museum is there tbh. It's nice, but I've been to a lot and most of them are nicer. The Clay Center in Charleston, WV was a surprisingly awesome Children's Museum that I wish we had in Pittsburgh. The imaginative play area was just so wonderful and something our Children's Museum lacks.

Heinz History Center is truly a gem though and I'm glad both made the list.


raptorthebun t1_ja7si9g wrote

This is really surprising to me. I can't comment on the history museum, but I've moved around quite a bit in the last 10 years while having kids and the children's museum in Pittsburgh was one of our least favorite ones. The Carnegie Science Center /Sports Museum on the other hand was amazing and we went there all the time. I even enjoyed those as an adult.


WellTimedPoop t1_ja7vmsp wrote

Check out the Strong Museum of Play up in Rochester if you've never been. We took our toddler back in september, and it was incredible. It's also massive, and the top floor has a museum of toys and video games which was awesome for the adults


FreeCashFlow t1_ja80hft wrote

I love that museum. Was just there yesterday. But even I will admit some of the exhibits are feeling a little tired. I wish they would rotate and update them a bit more often. I get it's tough to do when so many of the exhibits are essentially permanent.


happyjazzycook t1_ja81zge wrote

For those who don't want to click on a PG link, here are the history museum rankings and here are the children's museums.


rhb4n8 t1_ja87uic wrote

The Met the national gallery and the art institute of Chicago are easily the three best art museums in the country and the gap between them and number 4 is quite wide


NineFootEightWeight t1_ja88vsl wrote

I don't understand how our Andy Warhol Museum isn't ranked the best Andy Warhol Museum in the country.


vincent_wigglesworth t1_ja89zag wrote

lol, it's true, we're doing our best tho! Check back in mid-April and we'll have a sweet new bug exhibit on the 3rd floor. Simmons gallery rotates every ~4 months and the first floor kids' area is getting updated this spring as well.

The birds hall is a little faded, sure, but where would we be without the corpses of Tweety and Toucan Sam?


wagsman t1_ja96nb4 wrote

The children’s museum is a slam dunk. I’ve been to a couple, and they aren’t even close. We’ve been there 4 times in the last 2 years and will certainly be back again.


nopantsforfatties t1_ja973jf wrote

Our Children's Museum and the connected Museum Lab have some extremely innovative and inclusive programming that you won't find at other museums, which is probably why it made the list.


enoughstreet t1_jaa9o7x wrote

What idlewild park told us employed again I worked for 4 months before pandemic. That they get voted number 1 kids park as there might be 3 kids parks in the us and the campaign is strong

I’m glad for Heinz and I haven’t been to children’s museum in Pitt since I was a kid so I’m not the one to talk


cwfutureboy t1_jaahq82 wrote

I've probably been to the Heinz three times since I moved here in '20 and have yet to see that Mister Rogers exhibit. Where the hell is it?