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t1_j9gvfzd wrote

If we're talking national Casual Dining Chains, of the Friday's or Appleby's variety, we've got The Cheesecake Factory in Southside Works and nothing else? I can't think of a single other one inside the city limits. There's a ton on McKnight, in Robinson and Monroeville but for some reason, they stay out of the city. Maybe there's some tax or zoning reason for that.


t1_j9hjray wrote

Two Five guys, only a surprisingly few McDonald’s really. One Boston market. Maybe three burger kings? A handful of Wendy’s, Ruth’s Chris downtown, maybe three arbys, Choolah is a chain but small one. One Applebees right at the city limits near Edgewood. What else?


t1_j9hmkad wrote

Station Square is the city right? It has Hard Rock, Joe’s Crab Shack, and a few others., but it is out of the way over there. And Bar Louie and maybe something else by the stadiums? There aren’t too many, I definitely wouldn’t consider it a chain restaurant city.


t1_j9hq2uo wrote

McCormick and shmicks, Eddie vs


t1_j9igqls wrote

There used to be multiple McDonalds downtown. But they were pretty run down and run poorly. Only one left is Market Square.