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dementedturnip26 t1_j974e67 wrote

But just because it’s cheaper doesn’t mean it’s affordable. That median household income of 53k makes it pretty hard to find a house these days that doesn’t need a bunch of work


[deleted] t1_j97v7yb wrote



Edmeyers01 t1_j97y3g3 wrote

I live in San Diego now, but moved from Pittsburgh. I'd say houses in Pittsburgh tend to be mostly large houses. Here you will pay $900K for a 1200 sq ft. house in a decent neighborhood where as in Pittsburgh in the best neighborhoods that's likely going to be be around $400K-$500K. The best neighborhoods in San Diego (typically pretty close to the ocean) tend to be $2+ million.


[deleted] t1_j981cjz wrote



Edmeyers01 t1_j98304f wrote

I think i might have worded this wrong. In San Diego in a decent neighborhood it's $900K for 1200sq ft, but in the best neighborhoods in pittsburgh (Highland Park, Shadyside, Squirrel Hill, ect.) that's maybe $400-$500K.


[deleted] t1_j983bxv wrote



Edmeyers01 t1_j984evm wrote

have you looked at sold listings in Shadyside, highland park, & squirrel hill lately? Those houses consistently go for that much. 1600 sq ft. townhouses are going for $480k in Shadyside after reviewing recent sold listings.


[deleted] t1_j985xdb wrote



Edmeyers01 t1_j987gzk wrote

In my opinion, the best neighbors are in the city. What's a peter's township. All of the places in that shadyside search were sold 6-7 months ago and a lot them were from mid-2021. I just put an offer of 360K on a small house in Highland park and got outbid by 6 others offering $30K above ask. I wouldn't consider Mount Lebanon a best place to live and the prices reflect that.


[deleted] t1_j989990 wrote



Edmeyers01 t1_j98auuq wrote

Good opinion.


[deleted] t1_j98b4wl wrote



Edmeyers01 t1_j98czr7 wrote

Those are definitely upper middle class, but I’m basing it on cost per square foot. Shadyside, Highland Park, Squirrel Hill, Sewickley Heights (not sure there is a house under 3k sq ft here) would definitely take the cake.


burritoace t1_j99xicd wrote

No, those are not neighborhoods. They're municipalities