I've seen people abandon these scooters on the side of roads, in front of driveways and in the bushes. It's really frustrating nothing can is being done about this.
When I was in Atlanta they had a similar scooter system and everywhere you went scooters just littered sidewalks abandoned, don't know how I feel about these scooters being an alternative to public transit when they just end up causing hazards and looking bad generally.
What about vision impaired people who might fall over them! I took a walk with a very elderly man and he said that if I weren't with him to move them off of the sidewalk, then he would have had to step into the street - he was unable to step over them - and going up and down off of the curb is next to impossible for him, so he would have been stranded. I never gave these things a minute's thought until taking this walk with my friend. Now, they piss me off.
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