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vax4good t1_ja7lihd wrote

I would start by putting up a “Private Driveway: No Parking or Trespassing” sign before escalating for the well-meaning idiots who are just returning them to where they found them in a self-perpetuating cycle. I don’t see any reason you couldn’t add “all vehicles (cars, scooters, bikes) will be towed at user’s expense” even if you can’t actually enforce it.

More importantly: request geofencing that can actually be enforced. And in the meantime report each violation via 311 if you aren’t already doing so.


Graphics_Nerd t1_ja7llyq wrote

No, you must leave them forever on your property and are responsible for raising them until they turn 18 or are emancipated. They need plenty of food and water. You'll also have to enroll them in homeschool. You should get a book on scooter maintenance and repair while your at it just to be safe.


da_london_09 t1_ja7m0dj wrote

Keep them, then when the scooter company comes to round them up, make them pay a 'parking/storage' fee.


PGHxplant t1_ja7muum wrote

I recommend downloading the Spin app and creating an account. It doesn't require a credit card if you never intend to ride one. But it lets you quickly make a report of improper parking by scanning the QR code on the scooter and snapping a picture of the offense (click on "Contact Support" then "Report Issue"). I've found they're very responsive to removing them if you make a direct report through the app. I'd like to think it also helps them quickly identify the the last user and issue warnings/bans.


cawsllyffant t1_ja7o7mz wrote

I move them all the time, in my neighborhood people leave them on the wheelchair ramps at crosswalks all the time. I move them to a more reasonable location nearby.

They are heavier than they look and have an alarm. The alarm turns off when you put it down.

When I downloaded the app, it had instructions that when you were done with your rental you should take a picture in the app to confirm it was parked correctly or potentially face a fine. It doesn't seem like that is enforced at all.

I like the idea of them esp now that Scooby (RIP) has left Pittsburgh, but I think the implementation still has some kinks to work out.


TheApprentice19 t1_ja7ocqi wrote

Put one of those racks on the street for the person using them to park in/on, like a bike rack or somethin’


Ok-Twist921 t1_ja7r84s wrote

Just call the number and they will retrieve them


Oradev t1_ja7rciu wrote

Post a complaint on Reddit. That's probably easier than just moving them.


101gekos t1_ja7rixo wrote

You can move them you just have to listen to it scream about it


Virtual_Smoke_4252 t1_ja7s4sx wrote

i’ve tossed so many of these outta the way. there’s an alarm that goes off for a few seconds but that’s it.


pghcrow t1_ja7sf5h wrote

  1. Go to Dollar Store and buy cheap plastic tote
  2. Go to Home Depot and buy cheap bag of Quikrete
  3. Fill tote with Quicrete, water, and scooters
  4. Wait for shenanigans to ensue

gracefulnesto t1_ja7sns2 wrote

You legally cannot do anything your driveway is now a bike lane.


kevin0carl t1_ja7w85y wrote

Ask your neighbor to stop parking them there. That’s not a deployment spot, so someone in the area is parking them there. As others have said, reporting them in the app is also affective. If a user gets enough reports they get a fine and then a ban. They’ll probably get one eventually on their own if they’re taking the picture there, but reports speed up the process.


ElJamoquio t1_ja7wa52 wrote

I know I'm in the minority, but I'm so sick of these shitheads stealing public space so they can make a profit.

I'd post a 'no parking' sign and then look into the tow laws - if they're blocking your driveway, my understanding is you're permitted to tow them.


klauskervin t1_ja7wan4 wrote

Is it legal to impound these until the company pays for their release? I find these on private property all the time and I'm considering doing this if I find them on my own property.


AcceptableReply6812 t1_ja7xid5 wrote

That’s crazy fr because every time I park these stupid things it says invalid parking even at the hub. Must be some secret hack that I must know.


sopabe6197 t1_ja7zcov wrote

Buy a security bit set. Toss the speed controller and cell modem in the nearest dumpster. Keep the battery and motor. Buy a new speed controller from AliExpress. Free scooter!


mikeyHustle t1_ja806ka wrote

It's an age-old Reddit practice to downvote comments that don't add to the conversation. Reddiquette dictates that your upvote is your laugh.

(I don't personally do this, fwiw, but it's A Thing.)


Edu412Pitt t1_ja82fym wrote

I understand the situation but do you plan to drive over the wall? 😅 Let it go bro


miakat27 t1_ja82urc wrote

That’s fair, well the hilarious commenter above me deserved the additional props. It’s an age-old personal practice that I write lol when I am actually lolling 😉 However, I understand that we wouldn’t want to run out of space on the internet and we should conserve our lols.


pghworks t1_ja8698x wrote

It’s almost like Ford knew this would happen and did not care when they brought these here.

Tier 1 Mobility, the Ford backed company that now owns these is supposed to have an agreement with the city in their 5 year, exclusivity contract, wherein they are supposed to stay on top of these being parked where they shouldn’t, but now we can get to share in their responsibility without the payday.


Jammylegs t1_ja86yq9 wrote

Annoying that someone has to do this companies job for them, when they’re the one being inconvenienced. So they have to work for free to solve their own problem?

I say throw them in a trash can.


cthulhu_on_my_lawn t1_ja884pq wrote

Sorry I forgot, scooters sell to young people in cities therefore they can never do anything wrong and it's just perfect that they prevent people from using their driveway and block the sidewalks and prevent disabled access because at least it's not a minivan amirite


half_monkeyboy t1_ja88k1t wrote

I know if you move these too much without renting, they trip an alarm. I'm not sure how long the alarm goes for.

EDIT: Read below that the alarm stops when they are put down. So it would be reasonable to move them around the corner or out to the curb.


throws_rocks_at_cars t1_ja88n58 wrote

Many, many other cities have figured out how to have scooter parking spots and scooter-exclusive trails that prevent them from impacting you negatively.

You’re getting mad at a company and their customers who are reasonably providing the solution for a need (getting around town without having to park a car), when you should be getting mad at your city council for not providing appropriate parking spaces for them or bike trails.


FeoWalcot t1_ja8a3v0 wrote

For what’s it worth, you’ll lower the specific metric of uses per user. It’ll just look like actual customers are using their service less and less.

Having 10,000 app downloads and 5,000 active users looks better than 20,000 app downloads and 5,000 active users.


smerrjerr110210 t1_ja8acep wrote

Legally you’re allowed to run them over. Thus, inflicting damage to your own vehicle


Small-Cherry2468 t1_ja8aih1 wrote

Just run them over like in a '70s trucker movie. You might have to watch your back though, I hear those scooter gangs are rough.


the_real_xuth t1_ja8aqwt wrote

You're not really giving them "engagement" in any form when you do so and when your OS asks for permissions to use it make sure to specify that those permissions are only for when the app is active.


throws_rocks_at_cars t1_ja8askb wrote

I mean, what do you expect to happen if you have an issue with something? Just get really really mad about it and your brainwaves will alert some regional manager in the Lyft offices to come remove them for you?

You can make an account and remove them with a report and it takes like 45 seconds to do so. The entire world isn’t tip-toeing around your particular pet peeves, nor do they know them (let alone give a shit about them) just because you’re peeved in that moment.


ElJamoquio t1_ja8bg4u wrote

Who says I'm not upset we give things to car owners for free?

But the analogy to this isn't your personal car parking on the street, it's more comparable to a rental car facility parking their cars in your driveway.


the_real_xuth t1_ja8bj04 wrote

This is no different from someone blocking your driveway with a car. And like when someone parks a car illegally, you're not allowed to just take it or destroy it. You have to go through proper procedures to get it moved even if it is a major headache for you.

Likely the people who leave them there don't realize that they're causing any issue (based on the image it does look like the people who put them there attempted to put them in an out of the way location). If you go through the app it will almost certainly resolve the issue faster and more permanently than any other method.


the_real_xuth t1_ja8c64v wrote

It is no different from when someone leaves any other item of value on your property. It's not yours and there is a legal procedure for dealing with it. If you try to do so in a manner that is not legal then that puts you in far greater legal jeopardy than the person who left it on your property.


sprawn t1_ja8dgol wrote

What world are we living in that some asshole puts garbage in your driveway, and you ask if YOU are ALLOWED to get rid of it.

I'd set the fucking things on fire.



Kanavan_Knight t1_ja8e3qd wrote

I see them in handicap and illegal parking spaces often. I throw them out. They're actually much heavier than you'd think. If cars cannot park there properly, nothing should.


Snoo71538 t1_ja8eiay wrote

I mean, they were abandoned on your property, so as far as I’m concerned you now own them. Spin will probably feel differently, but if you have the money and are feeling petty, it could be an interesting court case.


Willow-girl t1_ja8erml wrote

Abandoned on my property? I would scrap them. Heh!


alohabruh732 t1_ja8expi wrote

“Am I allowed to move a foreign object off my property?” Of course! It’s your property.


Snoo71538 t1_ja8f7qw wrote

Eh, I’m mad at the users for not being good neighbors. You need a scooter, fine. Take the extra 30 seconds to find an appropriate place to park it.

Edit to add: this strikes me as someone who says “don’t blame the company for doing the thing the government lets them do”, but would turn around to “stop the government forcing companies to do things” if they did enact real regulations.


rammaine t1_ja8h80a wrote

When they are laying in an ADA compliant crossing or on a sidewalk or in the road I like to throw em off onto the side for accessibility sake. Even if you gently set them down somewhere else, most likely they're gonna yell at you. These things are a scourge and they're heavy as fuck. If you end up literally throwing it I wouldn't feel bad.


Zentraedi t1_ja8hphc wrote

I was wondering this same thing for a different reason. There were some illegally parked scooters on my street and I wanted to report them but their website had no visible way to solve it.


enemy_of_your_enema t1_ja8ib1l wrote

I was responding to the part of the comment about "public space," not the driveway thing. Of course these things, just like other people's cars, should not be parked in someone's private driveway without permission.


ufojoe4 t1_ja8ih8m wrote

Call the number and have them picked up for improper parking.


rhorsman t1_ja8j2el wrote

An alarm starts when you pick them up, but it stops when you put them back down, which includes inside a dumpster if one is handy.


emeraldraf t1_ja8k1cq wrote

I'd just move them out of your way more than anything. Report it to the company and city of it's a major issue but between the battery in them and not being consumer bought you'd likely be liable for damages if they catch you throwing them out and I'm sure they're not cheap.


yuhateseedoil t1_ja8kfjv wrote

It’s a main topic on the website’s Support FAQ

> Uh oh! Let's get that vehicle moved for you right away!
Sounds like you may come across one of our vehicles that’s located in a not-so-great parking place. No worries, feel free to reach out to us via these two methods:
Call us: 1-888-249-9698
Email us:
Before contacting us, please have the below information readily available so we can relocate our vehicle in the fastest & most efficient way possible:
Approximate address or crossroads to where our Operations Specialists can accurately find our vehicle.
Example: 123 Blueberry Lane, San Francisco, CA
Example: Off 1st St & Bran Muffin Rd, near the alley way
If you can, feel free to include the vehicle’s unique 7-digit ID# Found on the handlebars -> underneath the QR code
We apologize for this inconvenience!
If you have any further questions feel free to contact us at by email or phone and one of our amazing agents will assist you!


Sideroller t1_ja8ml3k wrote

I've seen people abandon these scooters on the side of roads, in front of driveways and in the bushes. It's really frustrating nothing can is being done about this.

When I was in Atlanta they had a similar scooter system and everywhere you went scooters just littered sidewalks abandoned, don't know how I feel about these scooters being an alternative to public transit when they just end up causing hazards and looking bad generally.


klauskervin t1_ja8t8w5 wrote

I asked a few questions about impounding these if you find them on your own private lot. You can definitely impound them and charge a storage fee as long as you follow state law found here:

Towing operation and storage:

Private parking lot:

Your local municipality may have additional policies for impounding.

The key is you need to have visible signage, clearly marked private parking spaces, and have a policy for storing and releasing vehicles.

It seems that unless people are leaving these in the area designated a parking lot where the signage is posted that it may be hard to impound these the same way you would a motor vehicle.


powdingboom t1_ja8whu9 wrote someone abandoned them. Sell them on ebay


hydrospanner t1_ja915j8 wrote

>This is no different from someone blocking your driveway with a car. And like when someone parks a car illegally, you're not allowed to just take it or destroy it. You have to go through proper procedures to get it moved even if it is a major headache for you.

Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but what's the cutoff for this?


There is a practical difference between a scooter and a car being left in your driveway illegally: the scooter is easily destroyed/thrown away, while the car isn't. But your point that illegally abandoned property doesn't make it the landowner's property still stands.


More to the point: what if the item left behind is a bicycle? A skateboard? A pair of shoes? A single shoe? A single sock? What if any of these are partially worn/damaged? Does that change the calculus?


These are all transportation aids, in descending values. My point is that at some point, we cross the threshold between "that's still their property and you can't just get rid of it" and get into the realm where it seems reasonable to consider the item as lost/abandoned, or even litter.


Is there a codified dollar amount of value that sets this? Some legal phrase about 'reasonable expecation'?


Getting back to OP's case specifically, why can't they just throw them away, and if anyone says anything, just reply, "Someone littered them in my driveway, so I cleaned up their mess."?


the_real_xuth t1_ja93eo1 wrote

What you're describing is illegal, for very good reason, in any civilized country (and certainly any country or state that derives some of the foundations of its laws English Common Law like PA does).


ElJamoquio t1_ja93ubt wrote

(c) Property owner may remove vehicle.--The owner or other person in charge or possession of any property on which a vehicle is parked or left unattended in violation of the provisions of subsection (b) may remove or have removed the vehicle at the reasonable expense of the owner of the vehicle.  Such person who removes or has removed a vehicle left parked or unattended in violation of the provisions of subsection (b) shall have a lien against the owner of the vehicle, in the amount of the reasonable value of the costs of removing the vehicle plus the costs of storage.  Any city, borough, incorporated town or township may, by ordinance, provide for rates to be charged for removal of vehicles and for municipal regulation of authorized towing services. If storage charges are not set by the municipality, a maximum of $25 per day may be charged for storage.

"Vehicle." Every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices used exclusively upon rails or tracks. The term does not include a self-propelled wheelchair or an electrical mobility device operated by and designed for the exclusive use of a person with a mobility-related disability.

"Highway." The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel. The term includes a roadway open to the use of the public for vehicular travel on grounds of a college or university or public or private school or public or historical park.

"Sidewalk." That portion of a street between curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines, intended for use by pedestrians.

I'm not your lawyer.


tpeck90 t1_ja96v5i wrote

You have my permission to do whatever you want with them 👍🏻


Nuttybananas14 t1_ja971ry wrote

Why does everybody have to scoot? I’m sick of these dang scooters everywhere.


jwwcrna t1_ja9a4o7 wrote

throw them in the allegheny.


Hi_Im_A t1_ja9g7m6 wrote

In the photo it looks like the size and position of your driveway could be mistaken for a small parking lot or multli-resident driveway. If you're confident that no one could make that mistake when viewing it in person, feel free to ignore this. But if you do think it's possible, putting up a sign might prevent it from happening in the future.


motociclista t1_ja9o0tp wrote

I can’t believe these things still exist. I don’t see how it’s a profitable business plan. They get rented for next to nothing, then abandoned wherever they happen to be. Thrown in rivers, dumpsters, crashed etc. The scooter company must cover thousands of repairs and replacements every year. I figured they’d last a few months then go away.


nsaguy077 t1_ja9sf8n wrote

Run over it. Company will have to look at where it was located.

Take the battery out. Throw scooter in tree with note STOP PARKING IN DRIVEWAYS.


tobesbalones t1_ja9tlvd wrote

“Well meaning idiots” they are inconsiderate dickheads like the rest of the assholes that leave these things everywhere and the private company using public space in anyway they want. These scooters suck and are constantly in the way of individuals that need full access to sidewalks and ADA ramps. This is one of the least egregious instances of this but these provide very little public good.


cthulhu_on_my_lawn t1_ja9u0af wrote

Apparently we have to pretend that people leaving giant hunks of screaming metal on other people's property is just some kind of universal law of nature and not a deliberate choice they made for their convenience, but hey if we beg the people profiting from this nuisance maybe they'll go a bit easier on us and eventually they'll usually pick up their mess.


Tonyclifton69 t1_ja9u7eu wrote

It shouldn’t be incumbent upon the person who’s driveway they’re in to have to download an app to report it.

I’d throw them in the nearest dumpster.

After that, if it continued, I’d break them down and sell them for scrap.


zacharoni16 t1_ja9ybge wrote

3 feet from street can't be your driveway city owns it


throws_rocks_at_cars t1_jaa4v15 wrote

Of course they know where it is. My point is: how would they know if it’s a problem if no one reports them? As far as they can tell, they’re just being used normally and parked appropriately. It’s only an issue for one single guy (op) sometimes when it happens and when he needs to drive


theidleidol t1_jaa65n9 wrote

Because there’s a clear path to resolution—multiple even, because if they don’t want to sign into the app (reasonable) they can call or email—but they’re just impotently raging about it here.

If they want these scooters banned or enforced via legislation to avoid this scenario, all the power to them. Not one person has claimed this is anything less than a nuisance. But the reality is right now contacting the company is effective so refusing to do it on principle and complaining about their rights on Reddit is downvote-worthy


Nickzino t1_jaa7kpz wrote

Toss them in a dumpster if you have one nearby, thats what i usually do


DownwindLegday t1_jaa869f wrote

I guess I don't understand why the default is they can be parked anywhere they like? Wouldn't it make more sense to have particular spots they can park? I've ridden a few scooters like this in Europe and some have specific places they can be parked.


VespiWalsh t1_jaa9436 wrote

I saw one of these on Second Avenue abandoned on the sidewalk for over a month. Not sure why the person chose to stop riding it without any reasonable destination around, unless someone gave them a ride or it malfunctioned.


Lord_Kano t1_jaai33n wrote

Move them? Yes. Damage or put them in the garbage? No.


revolutionoverdue t1_jaakdx1 wrote

I think proper etiquette is to toss them into a river. Whichever is closest.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_jaanj71 wrote

I'll go out on a limb and say that big parts of the reason tow companies can operate the way that they do is that they have the budgets to lobby politicians and retain better lawyers than most of the people they're towing. Not to presume too much about OP's situation, but I doubt they're willing to pay enough in legal fees to fight off Spin's corporate lawyers over a minor inconvenience getting out of the driveway.


UnprovenMortality t1_jaaqfie wrote

How far do you have to move them before they make noise? I've moved one from the middle of a car sized parking spot without issue in the past. But really it was only like a foot or two (i.e. onto the sidewalk).


IClight69 t1_jaav472 wrote

lol. Lives in the city, Doesn’t t like city stuff. Drives a BMW

Checks out.


PorkyWallace t1_jaazhla wrote

If this is your private property, put up Private Parking and No Trespassing signs. Also, put up the No Parking-Violators will be towed at their own expense signs. Take pictures after you put them up. If the scooters are parked there for 3 days (after taking photos every day), call a tow company to have them towed/taken away at the owner's expense. Not your fault. The scooters get moved and the idiots who don't care about your property pay the cost.


Weavingknitter t1_jab9t1x wrote

What about vision impaired people who might fall over them! I took a walk with a very elderly man and he said that if I weren't with him to move them off of the sidewalk, then he would have had to step into the street - he was unable to step over them - and going up and down off of the curb is next to impossible for him, so he would have been stranded. I never gave these things a minute's thought until taking this walk with my friend. Now, they piss me off.


DaRiddler70 t1_jabbdij wrote

They look to he what.....2 or 3 THOUSAND pounds each???

I'd call someone strong to help you move them!!@


Barbariann14 t1_jabj3dc wrote

Just grab them by the bars, spin around, and chuck them


jbubs84 t1_jacepa7 wrote

I recommend tossing them in a dumpster. Spin needs to figure out this situation. I’m sick of assholes blocking sidewalk ramps with them.