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cdelaney1982 t1_ja3tucd wrote

I was gonna say Ritters but I looked up their hours before I spoke...I am shocked and appalled by what I just saw 😭🤮


Aezon22 t1_ja401lv wrote

WHAAAT! They probably had to get new locks cause they sure as hell didn't know where the old keys were.


cdelaney1982 t1_ja40zzy wrote

Kinda makes a chick wanna open up an 11p-7a spot 🤔


divineaudio t1_ja428pw wrote

Somebody needs to. This city desperately needs restaurants that are open past 10 pm.


cdelaney1982 t1_ja437hm wrote

Who owns the spot where Ventos is? Does the family or do they rent from someone? 💡