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trs21219 t1_j8xdewd wrote

I mean the guy is an idiot sure, pretty much everyone who carries knows that Federal buildings are off limits; but there is nothing here that suggests he had malicious intention. Just that he likes to go a bit overboard with carrying concealed.

You can bet that the Marshals, the FBI or the Federal Protective Services have already gotten warrants to look at his social media accounts and have talked to people close to him to find out if he was attempting something. If so he would have been arrested.


Zenith2017 t1_j8xe1ok wrote

The greater point of the satire I tried to make was that every gun owner is a well intended responsible and safe gun owner, up until the moment they aren't. The opposite is a rhetoric that tries to justify guys like these, mal-intended or not.



Cryptic_Skies t1_j8xl42d wrote

i think satire died when too many people took The Colbert Report to be real...


Zenith2017 t1_j96wx4v wrote

At some point Colbert, the daily show (god I still miss Jon Stewart), SNL etc just became bad imitations of reality in a way, haha


Cryptic_Skies t1_j9ahlnc wrote

> just became bad imitations of reality...

as art often does.