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Jmyles23 t1_jadmfjt wrote

I think they should be limited to local ownership. For example, if you live within 3 miles of the location you’re renting out. But I know that’s impractical to expect.


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_jadot8t wrote

I don't think that's impractical at all.

At one of my old jobs, I constantly dealt with short-term and long-term rental owners, and far too many of them lived not just outside the neighborhood, but outside the state. Those folks were doing a huge disservice to the renters and to the community at large. They had all but abdicated any responsibility that comes with homeownership, but still were allowed to profit from it and artificially shrinking the housing market, to boot.


newtypezaku t1_jae9sfu wrote

I would take it farther and restrict short-term AirBnb-style rentals to only your primary residence. If you want to rent out a whole building like that, get the proper license. Speculation makes it attractive to just buy up a bunch of properties and rent them out based on the minimum requirements you can get away with, so raising those minimum requirements off the floor is where we have to start.