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MaybeADumbass t1_ja969re wrote

> ...and it's easier to deal with Verizon as a customer.

I think that's debatable. I've been switching back and forth between them for nearly 20 years, and Verizon's customer service in my experience is way more pleasant but way less competent. When you call them, they will be kind and polite but it'll be a total crapshoot on whether they fix your issue, give you accurate information, or even get you to the right place. When you call Comcast, there's a real chance you'll get connected to a raging asshole, but there's also a real chance they'll fix your issue in one or two tries.

I think what it really comes down to is which do you hate more:

Getting in stupid arguments with random strangers on the phone, or
Dealing with cheerfully stupid morons and restating your issue to every new person you get transferred to