Submitted by Der_Missionar t3_11dv6fg in pittsburgh

This month has been so incredibly warm. So many days in the 70's. I promised the kids we'd go skiing, but I hate it when it's icy, we're not all that good. We love it when the snow is powdery....But when it's slick, it's really no fun.

Anyone know what the quality of the slopes are like, over at Laurel Highlands or Seven Springs?



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Sea-Cook4549 t1_jab17vx wrote

I live at the base of the mountain and honestly it's just rained and been windy the past few days. Not much snow, been too warm for it. Supposedly we might get 2 inches on Friday but that might not do much to help you! Sorry 😔


phenry17 t1_jab1ddo wrote

Quality is not that great. Especially after the rain today. Not much ice as the temps have been too warm, but that will change with mixed weather the next week.

We’ve had the worst season I’ve seen in 15 years of going up to Springs. I’ve been up 12 times this season so far.

My best advice, if you’re still trying to honor your wish to you kids (which is awesome!) I’d either wait for the second week in March when temps are predicted to stay lower, allowing for more man made snow, or plan a trip up north to peek n peak or even further to Holiday Valley.

Happy to answer any other questions.

Ps. If you’re renting ski, hit up Jumpin Jake’s at 8am. Better skis/boots/boards/helmets and much cheaper prices.


audi-s-4 t1_jab5agr wrote

I always say to just go. Seven springs might not be “good” but all the main slopes are open and you can get some good runs in before global warming shuts it down!


fiveoff7 t1_jab7hm9 wrote

7s has a lot more variety and amenities than Laurel Mountain (which I’m assuming you mean by laurel highlands). Laurel has 3 runs, one of which is the steepest in PA, one lift and the snow is getting pretty scarce at the top.

I’d say go to 7s on a weekday or a Sunday if you’re split between the two. Laurel is cool too though if you want to bring your own lunch into the lodge and spend your time at a smaller place. The schlep is way easier at Laurel.


Different-Rough-7914 t1_jac6cii wrote

Depending on the age of your kids I'd suggest staying away from 7 Spings if they are younger, you won't enjoy it. The lift lines are long, the slopes are overcrowded, and the drunks will make you feel uncomfortable. I'd suggest Hidden Valley, it's way less crowded and more family friendly. The snow at HV was soft over the weekend, I heard 7S had a lot of ice. I haven't skied LM this year and don't know the conditions, but if you are trying to decide between 7S and LM, I'd go LM because it will be less crowded.


TerribleBase666 t1_jace4is wrote

I skied on Friday. Amazing job of keeping the place open. 9 runs open and had two lifts running on the Backside of the hill to service three runs. Northface head wall would be no fun for anyone who is not very advanced. It was a mix of nice man made granules, sold Ice, dirt and around the snow guns that were blowing water pure wet sludge which will stop you in your tracks - I thought I could plow through and I took a huge double release - lucky I did not get hurt. At the high cost - and low coverage I would drive to Holiday Valley.


mmphoto412 t1_jackea7 wrote

you almost never get power in the east, especially around here. Its mostly varying forms of ice.


HokieRider t1_jad2s2x wrote

We skiied 7Springs on Sunday evening. North face was pretty varied and not good so we stayed on the front side. Laps of Boomerang and Avalanche for the most part.

When the sun was still out, conditions were ok. Probably better than some other times we’d been due to them blowing snow at night. But once the sun went down, it all iced over. Everything was fast and hard. To the extent that most people stopped running Avalanche so my husband and I would get cheers and support from the lifts while we were running it.


dfiler t1_jadad0q wrote

Check their webcams


kbups53 t1_jadt3re wrote

We've been going to Hidden Valley all season and while the weather has been awful, they've been keeping things in pretty good condition there! From what I gather talking to others, it's in much better shape than 7 Springs. HV typically has less ice even during heavy snow years, I think it's just the geography or something there. Angel's Elbow and Comet had a few icy spots but that was it.

Saturday was thin and kinda slushy but it was still pretty ski-able, so that may be your best bet.