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Minute_Helicopter_91 t1_j9ra2fn wrote

Why does your escrow only pay 1 tax? My escrow pays my county tax, city tax and property taxes. If your escrow only pays 1 of the tax. You’ll want to reach out and find out which tax they pay if they really only pay 1 of those 3.


toolatetobeoriginal OP t1_j9rdm1d wrote

They may- I know I get 3% for city taxes taken from my paycheck.

Then I usually pay my federal and state through turbo tax — and one other. The Jordan Tax one I’m fairly certain? Which is my local??? Which I have to do some long hand math with filling out the boxes on the paper.

I just received the Weinstein one and it looks like an invoice (sort of), and I wasn’t sure if I had to do anything with it.

Edit: I’m just really bad with this stuff and it never gets easier for me. I just want to pay my taxes.


toolatetobeoriginal OP t1_j9rfftr wrote

It looks like my escrow pays it every year in March. So I’ll check back then- Ty! There was a situation where we had an escrow shortage(?) since we refinanced during the pandemic to lock in a lower interest rate. Consequently- they weren’t taking out enough in taxes for the escrow- so we wound up having the mortgagee company pay partial. But we owed a good bit out of pocket. I forget who that was payable to.

After that, and my husband not changing his address with work. I just feel like we always get something wrong.


covertchipmunk t1_j9rfrmm wrote

There are a lot of different agencies doing things differently for all this stuff. It can get very confusing. Also, the city sends property tax receipts in like, October, so you just get to spend 8 months wondering if they recorded your payment correctly.

Anyway, it's not just you!


thunderGunXprezz t1_j9rmnex wrote

Might not be relevant but I like to share this when I can incase there's any idiots out there like me. I had these local tax letters coming from Jordan Tax Services for a while a few years ago. Granted, I've recently made some decisions to take control of my life meaning prior to that I was a bit of a fuck up, anyway turns out I had them ready to put a lean on me for unfiled local tax returns. When I finally decided to square up i found out my employer had already been taking that tax out for me and all I had to do was log on to their website and actually file the returns for those years which all ended up being zero cost to me. They just needed me to actually go and file them.