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DeleteSystem33 t1_ja8lgpx wrote

Terry has owned those lots since at least 2010 if not earlier, weird that the article says 2021. She's been shorting contractors on pay since as long as I've been in the neighborhood. I've talked to many over the years, I'll be surprised if she gets another team in there, she's notorious and nobody who's worked for her has had anything good to say.

I'll probably die of old age myself before she opens anything there.


ktxhopem3276 t1_ja8lz3d wrote

Yeah that’s the issue with some of these grant programs - finding a good steward of the money. I hope they come with prevailing wage requirements like government contracts. Maybe a thing like an old American legion building should just be purchased outright by URA and used for the community benefit


KentuckYSnow t1_jaaoyjp wrote

They issue with the programs is that they're granting money on hopes, dreams and race.


ktxhopem3276 t1_jab34hy wrote

Almost the same as when banks give out money except they give it to white people instead of black people…: