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tricksterloki t1_jckkb2h wrote

I've talked with DHS about this before, and they said you would have at least 30 days' notice. Most likely, from other conversations and don't quote me on this, they're going to wait until your annual review before making a new decision. When in doubt, call the state helpline. They don't tend to have wait times, and my experience has always been friendly and helpful. Let them guide you. You don't have to do it on your own.


[deleted] t1_jckkevy wrote

> I've talked with DHS about this before, and they said you would have at least 30 days' notice. Most likely, from other conversations and don't quote me on this, they're going to wait until your annual review before making a new decision. When in doubt, call the state helpline. They don't tend to have wait times, and NY experience has always been friendly and helpful. Let them guide you. You don't have to do it on your own.

I hope that info is right, because I just quoted you

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