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Zenith2017 t1_jaj5qxt wrote

How come all the past well-intended police haven't changed anything, if that's all it takes? Surely you wouldn't say that this guy would be the very first person to join the police force with positive intent to create change from within. How come it hasn't worked?


TrippTiggers t1_jan357k wrote

Change takes time. Interesting though all this comes up with only one party in charge for the last 100 years. Also corruption plays a part too, however much like the number of key board warriors on this platform, you’re talking about something neither you or I have worked in. So our opinions don’t really matter.


Zenith2017 t1_jan4i35 wrote

Well, since cops' evil and tyrannical actions very much affect us as citizens, I do feel our opinions matter. What do we do otherwise, roll over and let it happen?

The whole thing is corrupt from tip to toe. Don't forget that cops originated as slave catchers, and their role as protectors of the owner class continues to this day. You can't build on a rickety foundation, the whole thing's gotta go and start over.


TrippTiggers t1_janf4k3 wrote

I’d be curious to read your solution. Who would you call if someone breaks into your house? Or someone attacks you or your family…pick your reason to call the police.


Zenith2017 t1_janoq9i wrote

Well, it's not like the police are going to be much help if that does happen. They don't prevent crime, and they only solve around 11% of what they investigate. Seems like not a good solution to me


TrippTiggers t1_jaoyio6 wrote

Ok so what’s the alternative sending in a case worker? I mean look let’s be realistic who’s the solution?


TrippTiggers t1_jaxeicm wrote

So you got a solution or just keeping status quo?


Zenith2017 t1_jaxs8az wrote

My solution to if someone breaks in my house? I'd make my presence known without aggressing, which deters most. If they insist on looting my house, then I'm going to prioritize personal safety over property


TrippTiggers t1_jb04ce7 wrote

So you’re going to do nothing and allow crime to run ram-pit, got it.


Zenith2017 t1_jb0j1ar wrote

What else would I do? Attack them to risk injury or death over... What, my TV? A laptop? That's so painfully stupid
