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Amrun90 t1_jdydah2 wrote

The answer, as a nurse in Pittsburgh, entirely is dependent on what is wrong with you.

If I have cancer, I hope I am at Shadyside. If I need to go the ER for anything but a cancer crisis, I pray to God the ambulance isn’t going to Shadyside.

If I have a burn or substance use disorder, I hope I’m at Mercy.

If I am having a CSF leak, it better be fucking Presby.

So and so forth. Every hospital shines (and flops) in different areas.


ExtremelyQualified OP t1_jdzvibo wrote

Not a big fan of the Shadyside ER?


Amrun90 t1_je0ah2s wrote

At least not right now, no, mostly secondary to staffing and organization. Unless having cancer crisis because they have a cancer doctor or PA there at all times!


SBRN1980 t1_je2fref wrote

This! But if you can only pick one! 👉 Presby 200000x over! Fellow RN here.