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transmagicalgirl t1_je1eata wrote

Hope it is: Shadyside. Hope it isn't: AGH. Signed, an ex healthcare worker who's seen a lot


ExtremelyQualified OP t1_je1p60l wrote

What kind of things turned you off AGH?


transmagicalgirl t1_je1x0jv wrote

It's a very dirty hospital. You'll find trash on the floors regularly, and while I was there, an employee rubbed feces on the bathroom wall in the women's changing room multiple times. The floors are rarely mopped and look it, especially in non patient facing areas.

There's also a higher than average I-don't-care attitude from pretty much everyone. Those who do care don't stick around. I stayed there for 4 years and that's a large part of what made me finally leave.

Those are the main two things, though I could go on for a lot longer.