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rangoon03 t1_jefxq8g wrote

Reply to comment by James19991 in BNYM Employees by reesesmama

Execs are probably banking on them hoping for any experience they can right out of school. But the grads will quickly learn to hate it when they have to report to the office just to sit on conference calls most of the day with their teammates in NY, NJ, and/or India. I used to work there a few years ago and still know some people there and supposedly their management can track badge swipes to see if you really report into the office if your manager isn't located in the local office. When I worked there, my manager was in NJ and only three of us on the team were located in Pittsburgh so we didn't show up in the office too much. I was in IT so different departments likely have different rules.


reesesmama OP t1_jege9c6 wrote

This is true, they have a dashboard where employees are assigned a green, yellow or red status based on their monthly badge swipes to monitor who is returning to the office and who isn’t.