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reesesmama OP t1_jegep01 wrote

Reply to comment by Intelligent_Shape178 in BNYM Employees by reesesmama

That really stinks. I’m sorry!


Intelligent_Shape178 t1_jegr5g2 wrote

It’s just senseless. Our office is tight on space and we wind up hosting most meetings on Zoom anyway because conference rooms are now offices.

I have observed that most executives in my company (late 40s-60s, mostly white, mostly males) seem to prefer their giant offices to their distracting home environment. Not to mention the weird “rag on my spouse” culture that comes with middle/late age Americans - this gets them out of the house.

But for someone like me who doesn’t have kids and I actually like my partner? It’s a waste of time and money to commute into town. And I’m less productive because now I have distractions! Because I also don’t have a spacious and isolated office! Just so our of touch.